Did I find my groove???? Maybe!
I'm not going to get too excited, but according to the scales....I'm down 1 1/2 lbs this week! I didn't see that stinking number for another week!!
Maybe it's the little more fruit and veggies I've been trying to eat, maybe it's the bit more exercise I've done. I don't know but I'll try to keep the pace and start a downward trend again.
Thank you again to you all for your help. I'm so glad I got genuine, sincere advice instead of a hand slapping.
Love you all!
I missed your post about that, can you give me the link?
I could use the advise that you got. I'm very slow. I'm walking more
but having a problem with numbness in my right leg from hip to my knee.
I will be seeing a neuro/doc for this problem next week on thurs.
It would be good at this time for me to read good advice,