Help me stop the weight gain!!!
First off... I have gained a ton of weight since May 2006. I put on about 30 pounds between May 2006 and December 2006. So went from about 210 to 240. After that... in 2007, I gained a lot. I went from 240 to 300. So... 60 pounds in 2007. I gained 8 pounds this month already.
Please... I don't want to keep gaining!
I had to buy bigger scrubs for school because mine were getting too tight (especially around the belly). I had to buy some new jeans before I left for Christmas break and now they are getting tight in the belly. My seat belt in the car is completely pulled out now (when before I had a ton of slack). This is a nightmare! I was pushed off the band wagon and now... I am lost.
I cannot exercise. I did 30 minutes (low intensity) on the ellipse machine 3 days ago and my bladder has been torturing me. I just can't exercise and I really need this hydrodistention next week to help. I see the pain specialist the day after my hydrodistention and maybe he will have an idea for what my bladder will tolerate.
Eating... well you know how hard that is. I am starving all the time (empty band), but you guys know I can't fill it. I can't get veggies to go down as well as meats, egg, and raw fruits. Basically, what I have been eating is: cereal with milk, oatmeal with water (and brown sugar), cream of wheat with water (and brown sugar), FF cottage cheese and light canned fruit. I don't eat ice cream anymore (as that is supposed to make my reflux worse). I did buy some refried beans with cheese, but I can't add sauce (will add to the reflux). What else can I eat? All of my food choices are carbo-loaded. I am not saying I want an atkins diet or anything, but I really want to lower the carbs and up the protein. I am really really hungry these days, so I know I am eating more than I want, and it's calorie loaded. I cannot do artificial sweeteners. I did find a protein powder that has nothing artificial added to it. I tried using that for 1/2 my "meals" for a few days and the volume of fluids was way too much for my bladder to handle. I wouldn't say I am deprived of fluids. My urine has no indication of dehydration, but if I drink more than I am now, I cannot handle it. I do have to function in life, so I can't up the fluids like that.
What should I do?
Things that I cannot have:
citrus or acidic things (BAD on bladder)
artificial sweeteners (BAD on bladder)
extra fluid volume
veggies (especially those with skin)
raw fruit (again skin = evil)
melon (kills the bladder)
potatoes (too sticky)
spicy foods
tomato products (BAD on bladder)
I can have:
canned pears/peaches (other canned fruits are too acidic)
bananas in shakes or cereal (plain they are too sticky)
beans if cooked really well
soggy/runny grains
overcooked pasta with plenty of white sauce (so please don't suggest this... way too many calories)
What should I try to eat to lose weight??? I am so miserable. I hate being so hungry all the time, but I hate the weight gain. I want to avoid calorie dense things... but what can I do if I can't have a lot of liquids or veggies/fruit? Please... I am not a chef... and I don't know what to eat!
I hate mushy food... so maybe that is why I am drawing a blank on what to eat... poor baby. That just sucks. I'm not a big believer in 'alternative choices' but what about some type of hypnotherapy to stop the head hunger? By the way, I'm not an advocate of that, nor do I have any experienec with it, but if your choices are so limited...I dont' know what your options are!
I hope you find a spot that works for deserve to lose some significant weight after what you've been through!!
Yeah... I am not much of a believer in hypnotherapy. I am going to a pain therapist for my bladder and he is going to give me (hopefully) some exercises I can do and maybe that will combat the weight gain. He will also give me some relaxation techniques for when my bladder is torturing me. So... maybe I can apply that when my hunger is kiling me? Who knows. I see him next Wednesday. I also have the hydrodistention on Tuesday, so I figured why not go to the pain clinic the day after!
Thanks for always being there for me! I have had quite a rough time!
I am soooooo sorry Alyssa! You are caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Didn't you say you are having a revision to what Bridget had in February? Don't sweat it will be dropping weight faster than all of us after you have the revision. I wish I had some wonderful words of advise from you....but I don't even have any medical issues and I fell off the wagon and put on 15 lbs in 2 1/2 months!

Yeah... I am getting the sleeve. I should (hopefully) know a concrete date soon. I still need to see the surgeon again, see the dietitian, and exercise physiologist. I know they require a pre-op liquid diet, which I cannot do. I will have to see what they will do with my situation. I'm sure they have to have some plan, but to come up with one on my own... I can't think of foods that are filling and less calories (besides the off limits veggies
Well thanks for all your support! It helps to have people understand and offer a shoulder to cry on! I am just so miserable and I don't want to keep putting on weight. If I could just maintain or lose a few pounds, I'd be happy. I just don't want to keep gaining!

Bless your heart ! You are having quite a time . Can you eat fish ? In Wal Mart in the seafood section I found 4oz. packets of stuffed tilapia . It is really good and it is soft and easy to fix three or four minutes in the microwave and that is all . I was really surprised that it tasted so good . Hope things get better for you . ~ Cindy
Aw Cindy... I wish I liked fish. I get this gag reflex going when I try to eat seafood. It's not just the taste, but also the flaky texture. I don't know why, but I have never been able to stomach it. I have tried so many times, but I just gave up after a while. Even the smell of a restaurant serving fish makes me queasy. I don't get it. I have always been like this. My dad and sister eat fish, so why am I so screwy? Thanks for the suggestion though!
(deactivated member)
on 1/25/08 10:39 pm - on the border, MA
on 1/25/08 10:39 pm - on the border, MA
Alyssa, I just went back to today and ran a shopping list because I have got to get a grip, I am up to 255, I have been padding my emotions with food and I am considering some couselling. As far as your limited menu, could you eat some stir fry like the frozen broccoli or cauliflower mix, or hummus on a whole wheat pita? I lived on mushy zuccini, summer sqash and canned flavored tomato with a little parmesan cheese. Cambels select soups? they are pureed in a pourable box. The mini bell lite cheese and yougurts. frozen squash, or turnip with some butter spray? Even learning to cook with a mini crock pot where the stuff can be cooked way down with some veg broth? do you eat any fish? some tuna salad for protein? I'm so sorry, I know it is incredibly hard, believe me, I know. I am almost embarrassed to go out because of my gain.
Alyssa, I'm so sorry you have had such a hard time. Talk about me being discouraged. You are going through so much more. I hope that you can get your surgery soon and you won't have to deal with this anymore. I don't think I have any advice, I'm not much of a cook and am not creative at all. Good luck!