Very discouraged
i know exactly how you feel. For months, I stayed at the same weight. I have to say I wasn't really noticing what I was eating, I could eat comfortably and I was neglecting to call the doctor to get a fill. I finally went last November and have lost 30 pounds since then. So, you see, it was totally all my fault. Please go get a fill and you'll soon see the band working again for you. Good luck. Huguette
PS - now, I don't have to care what I eat, I just have to make sure I eat the right things to stay healthy before I am full which happens quickly! LOL
Honey, I'm so sorry. I hope I didn't steer you wrong. I shouldn't even try to help with advice about this anymore, as maintaining is so different than losing. I truly hope you find a solution soon, hon. We all have our own ways to lose, and I hope your combination, will make itself known, very soon!

Oh please don't think you steered me wrong Sharon!!! Your advice was just fine. Don't feel like you shouldn't help because you are one of so many people on this board that I truly respect and admire.
I'm just in a slump and need to pull myself out. I will find my way, I will. I had a very long talk with my sister from NC and she also gave me some good advice.
I appreciate your help and again, please don't ever think you've given bad advice because you haven't!! Thanks!!
Aww, Karen, I am so sorry that you are feeling so bad about this. Chelle is right you maintained during the worst time of the year; this is a huge accomplishment. Everyone has given you great suggestions. The only thing I can add is perhaps trying to sqeeze in an extra work out if possible. I have found that exercise is key for me. It will be interesting to hear what the Nut has to say. My heart goes out to you. Hang in there, you can, and will do this!
Thanks Cyndy. My sister who weighs probably 125 told me that if she wants to lose a few (like she needs to..not!) she cannot diet it off. She says she has to workout more. That is interesting to me, but totally understandable that you have to get your body moving to up the metabolism and mine is sluggish anyway because of my thyroid. I'll let you know what happens.