Bethie/Sharon...Exercise Post
Hi there Work - I am so impressed by your regular exercise. Tonight I didn't do anything. After I got out of school (3:45) I had class from 4 - 7:30. Came home and had to do laundry and pack... going to NJ tomorrow after school to dog sit for my brother and sister-in-law's fur children for the weekend. Great thing is... they have an elliptical machine. Proud of you Work! Have a great weekend everyone!
Good morning, Lenora! Didn't know if you meant ME, or Sharyn! A walk in the snow sounds lovely, but it's, -8, here, right now, with a WC, of -22! ha hope your first days at school, have gone well, now that you're finding your way around, hon! Everyone is in school, almost! I'm so proud of you ALL! You're all young, though! ha I always do my chair, and band exercises, and little weights! Samo, samo! Have a great day, and I'm sure you're glad this week, is over!

Not amazing at all, hon, I HAVE to stay at the top of my poor little old body, as I have a lot of responsibility, here, and do EVERYTHING, so I need to be in (running) order! ha It's really weird, in the 80's, I wanted to go back to school, for becoming a Paralegal, and was there, one day, and had bought my books, and then, got up the next day, and my leg was all stiff, couldn't bend it at all.So headed for the ER, and found I had DVT, and was in the hospital, 1 1/2 months, while they tried to get my heprin, regulated with my blood! that I've written a book, I never went back to school! ha Good luck with it, sweetie!
Chelle B.
on 1/24/08 11:41 pm
on 1/24/08 11:41 pm
You know, if it weren't for these posts I would likely find an excuse NOT to exercise. I need to be accountable and exercise is what keeps the stupid knee pain at bay.
I've had to be unfilled whenever I had night cough before - it is scary to wake up that way every time you close your eyes. But I think I am getting smarter about my band (after 2.5 years I should be anyway) and need to watch for those signals.
And when are we meeting up this year? I miss you!