Mind letting me vent?
Well, my body just hates me. I mean, really hates me!
I had to get a pulmonologist to clear me for surgery. So, they did a full lung function test (not just spirometry). Of course my FEV is normal (which is what is tested on spirometry), but my total lung volume was 135% above normal (asthma) and my residual volume was 165% above normal (stronger indicator of asthma). Another test they did before and after Albuterol and there was a significant improvement. So... verdict... back on asthma meds. So that puts me at 17 prescription meds (and then OTC things on top of that).
Grrrrr! Now he wants to see me back before my surgery to make sure things improved. He thinks there will be an improvement within 2-3 weeks.
So... lungs, bladder, stomach, acne, weight... I hope my body doesn't erupt in warts or my big toe falls off or something. Why can't I just be healthy?
Please tell me things will get better...

I doubt the pills are doing anything to my stoma.
Morning: I take 3 small pills (Nexium is the largest)
Afternoon: I take 1-2 (depending on my IC symptoms)
Night: I take 7 pills
I have 2 inhaled prescriptions
I have one injected
I have one that dissolves
I have ones on a need to use basis... so I don't have to take them regularily (like on inhaled or IC symptom based ones).
So... I don't think it has anything to do with my stoma. My band is empty and I take the pills over a long period of time, way before bed. True that I cannot take them crushed/liquid (some are time-released), but I used to be able to when empty. Also, I didn't start these meds until after my band/fill issues started. Things got bad with my band Dec 06. I was taking liquid meds or ones that you crush (but not many). It wasn't until April that my med # increased. My surgeon and I tried to blame the liquid med (anti-cholinergic) on the band/fill issues. We were in denial for months, blaming anything but the band. Oh, I have a cold. Oh I am tired, etc. After months of that and things just getting worse, I had to accept that my band is being a problem.
Sigh... I just hate taking so many meds! I have to take the reflux meds, the asthma meds, the acne meds, and bladder meds. I have other ones like Phenergan for when I am really nauseated. This just sucks.