Can I whine today?
Chelle B.
on 1/22/08 10:37 pm
on 1/22/08 10:37 pm
I am so exhausted today after a short and busy trip to Seattle to visit my son and daughter-in-law. It was a great visit, and it wore me out. The good news is that they are very seriously considering moving to Texas in the summer. Woohoo!
My knee and shoulder were whacked out during this trip. I couldn't walk for 10 minutes without knee pain unless I was wearing the brace. So physical therapy was really fun this morning. And my shoulder kept hurting just like it did before surgery. Guess the cold and wet was not good for me.
Did I say that I hate pain? And keep in mine I have a very high pain threshold so I am not enjoying this.
I am on a conference call with Ireland this morning and am fighting to stay awake. They have great accents but a bit hard to understand.
My Ireland trip might be cancelled. I should know today. I have mixed feelings - I really want to go there, but at the same time it is an awfully long trip for a 2 day meeting.
It is cold and grey here today. This is Texas and it is supposed to be sunny all the time for me. Darnit.
I just want a nap, and may take one after this call.
Ok, I'm done whining...
Only if I can join you!
I was hovering around 190 with my slight unfill over a month ago, but I came out of my gallbladder surgery weighing 196! I figured it was just fluid and swelling, but over a week later, I still weigh 195! I might be able to get a fill today, but I'm really annoyed and discouraged.
And I used my abs too much getting into bed night before last and made something off to the right of one of my incisions hurt like heck and it still hurts. I hope I just irritated soemthing and didn't pull a stitch!
do you want some cheese and crackers with that whine???? is it red or white whine? mean that other kind of whine?????
Sorry you're feeling achy and all...I hope you're back on the road to feelin' good real soon and that Mother Nature brings back her sunshine to your neck of the woods.It's bright and sunny here today, but frigid....I'm glad I'm off today so I can get some stuff done, but on the other hand I have to work Saturday morning...then I teach a class in the afternoon, so I'll be pooped the rest of the weekend.