OT: Have you ever had one of those days....
....when you almost wished you could go on a big huge eating binge????
Well, it was one of those days! It started out with a budget crisis - that took about an hour or so that I hadn't planned on spending on budget today. Then we moved onto the next issue. Reviewing the 15 responses to the 17 emails (not that I didn't get another 50 or so emails on other topics) I had sent trying to set up interviews. Oh, did I mention I am in charge of the team doing the interviewing? That is is next weeks project. Then scheduling the interviews, discussing the packages, etc. Only to get a call saying we may have to cancel all of the interviews! All 32 (thankfully I only have to do 17 of the 32...) because the interview questions have not been approved. More to come on that, I'm sure.
Then on to the next crisis. A conference call with our vendor, the "pitch team" - the folks who are calling the various media outlets to set up interviews for the satellite media tour for the top person in my division, my boss, my bosses boss and several other folks. And on the call, my bosses boss asks about how we are using the research stufy to target the local media contacts.... Uh, what research?????
I never got that data. I took over this program part way through, that info was sent to the bosses with a "whoever take this over needs to....." but they never sent it to me, I never saw it and it never got forwarded....
And that was the good part of the day. The worst part is today is my brother's birthday - my brother who passed away very unexpectedly three years ago.
If there was ever a day when I would have loved to have eaten like a pig, today is it. I am so grateful for my band - without it I would be huge. it is such a lifeline.
thanks for listening and letting me rant about my atrocious day.
You can rant any time you want to. That's what we're here for...
Nothing is worth pigging out for! Being thin and healthy is just worth so much more. Nothing is as good as skinny feels!
I am sorry about your brother. When you lose someone you love I don't think you ever stop missing them...
Try to have a better day tomorrow.

Thanks for the good thoughts.
Today has been a bit better, however I have the work laptop at home and will be signing on shortly just in case any late breaking interviews get scheduled.
And I'll be up and working by about 5:30 tomorrow morning my time, since the media event starts at 6:00 a.m. east coast time. They will be well into it before I get up, buy by starting early I will be able to jump on any last minute fires that erupt.
After tomorrow, life will slow down for a day or two. At least I hope so....
Well, you could just hire me then you'd be done with it!
Seriously the band has seen me through some good times and bad. I am grateful for both experiences. And I'm thrilled that I can start the next day fresh.
Hopefully the rest of the week will go smoothly for you -- and, heck, maybe even make up for it!
Thanks so much Lori. If I had the ability, I would jump on the offer to hire you! Unfortunately, that isn't the way it works when you work for the government.
You are so right about the band getting us through. i'll be honest, I did resort to a small bag of chips yesterday - but it was a small 210 calorie bag. I have learned, when I must cave, I must control.
Anyway, after tomorrow it will be easier - tomorrow is the first big event. And it is the biggest one.
Take care!