What's cookin?!?!
Hello Sharon:
Well I had a good day 2day,
B: rice krispies with LF milk, coffee
L: 1/2 turkey sandwich
D: having meatloaf and pots
and I just made some light, sugar free rice pudding from Martha Stewarts website..
I can not wait till it cools so I can try it.. The recipe makes a lot.. I was surprised!
woohohoooo! CN
B: small V8 little later 1 packet of oatmeal / 1 small banana
L: 1/2 cup cottage cheese / 1/2 cup of chicken salad / few pretzel crackers
S: yogurt / cheese stick
D: YUM YUM! 1/2 small chicken breast (it was called Taco Chicken) / 2 TBSP corn / 1 spoon of stuffing
S: lite cool whip mixed w/natural peanut butter
I'll post the taco chicken recipe later...it was wonderful and only 290 calories.
Ewwwww....Keep your snow! We've had more than enough here. Our last storm that was supossed to be only 3-4" ended up being close to 20".
Breakfast: Protein shake w/soy milk
Snack:Fiber One Bar
Lunch: Salmon with Asian dressing
Snack: String cheese
Dinner: Ham and half of a baked Sweet Potato
Snack: half of a protein shake
Nutritionist stressed to me the importance of having spaced out meals and snacks to keep my blood sugar level and stave off my horrible cravings. So far so good. I'll keep testing her.