Did anyone...
Oh oh oh oh oh!!! Me me me me!!! I actually did today! My bladder wasn't torturing me today (didn't drink much which is one reason), so I figured, I could do it! I took 1/2 a darvocet to see if it would help me also. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical! I have been craving exercise for months! So, it was nice to do it today! Just a half an hour, but it's better than nothing! I also have an appointment with a therapist that specializes in pain management and he will hopefully have exercises and techniques to help me manage the bladder trouble without meds. I hate taking pain meds, which is why I don't exercise (if I took one daily, I bet I could do SOMETHING... but I can't justify taking narcotics to just exercise).
So yay!!! I hit the gym today!
My doctor prefers the "wait and see" method right now. Basically, he said if it gets worse or isn't better in 6 weeks, then we will do an MRI.
I am not a very patient person when it comes to stuff like this. I want to be out walking and doing yoga and all that good stuff! Not sitting here on the sofa in pain....
Okay, enough of my griping. It is getting better - the pain is not nearly as bad. I am hopeful that I will be able to go to yoga by Thursday or Friday, although I'm sure I will have to modify the work out quite a bit.
Thanks for caring.