Weight gain - Ugh!
February 12th can't get here soon enough.
For some reason I have been super tight in the early part of the day. I can get down liquids, but that is it. Nothing else. Until evening time. Then I can eat. I'm so hungry (both physical and head hunger) by the time I can eat that I'm making less-than-optimal choices and I'm snacking.
So I've gained 2 pounds this week.
This is the theory on tight mornings: (take it or leave it)
After laying down all night, the esophogus and other tissues swell from fluid retention. Its just like when you stand on your feet all day and they swell up.
Can you do a protien shake? That always helped me in that situation...or a warm drink to "prime" my esophogus. I am not that tight anymore...and probably wouldnt go back.
I've always been a tad bit tighter in the mornings than the rest of the day. But starting with a cup of coffee or tea and then waiting about 45 minutes or so after that meant I could eat something.
But this is a "new" thing that just started the past few days. And I'm so tight in the early part of the day that liquids are all I can do until late afternoon or early evening. Aside from one episode of stomach irritation from a cold and cold medication I've never been like this. And the scary/odd thing is that I didn't have a stuck episode or anything out of the ordinary before it started up.
I have no intention of staying this tight. But until I can see the new doc I'm stuck (so to speak) with where I am at the moment. Argh!
Hi Carole,
What fluids are you drinking in the morning? My trick (which is NOT what my doctor wants as he advises no milk) is to have a latte in the morning. Non-fat milk of course. Right now my drink of choice is the skinny cinnamon dolce at Starbucks.
The warm goes down nicely and since there is milk in it, it gives my body something to work on. I can seriously drink one of those and not be hungry, not feel deprived, etc.
Of course, I have never been a morning eater so that may be part of it. In fact, I am trying to force myself to eat in the morning to have a more normal eating pattern. The one food that works well most mornings (after the latte - so generally about mid-morning) is bacon. Yes, I know it is high fat content. But, it is only 16 calories per average bacon slice. Since it is a very "crumby" meat, it seems to work really well for me.
Good luck and take care.