I have come to The Island seeking advice from experienced bandsters. I know this is a newbie question but I don't want advice from fellow newbies. I want someone that may actually know what they are talking about to respond.
I have only had one adjustment to my band (next is scheduled for 2/6). If I follow the rules, chew well and take small bites I can eat way too much food. However, if I eat too quickly, don't chew enough or take too large a bite I feel pain and slime.
I just ate an egg sandwich - 2 slices of toasted oatnut bread, 2 slices of cheddar cheese, 2 eggs scrambled and 2oz cooked sausage. I took my time and chewed well and had no trouble at all. About 10 minutes after finishing I started feeling my stop signal. I fixed an exact sandwich for my husband. He could not fini**** and was amazed that I could. Last night I tried to eat a very moist hamburger patty too quickly and was in pain and sliming.
Being able to eat too much (if I wanted to) implies to me that I do not have proper restriction. Then the pain if eating too quickly seems to imply that I do have restriction. Do I just not know what restriction is yet? Or am I still not there yet?
Thank you for your help,
Hi, Shari, I hope I can explain this so you can understand what I mean! ha First, it usually take us 3-5 fills, to get proper restriction. You have had 1 fill, and you have SOME restriction, but not at your "sweet Spot,!" The old saying, "Just because, you can eat a large amount of food, doesn't mean you should!" You should be around 1 1/2 cups of food. Eat approx. the size of the palm of your hand, of protein, and then some veggies, and if you have room, then, some carbs. You're just getting started, hon, and you don't want to stretch it! Don't drink with your meals, as it washes the food through to fast, and you'll be hungry, too, soon. You should stay saited, for at least, 3-5 hrs. you want to shoot for losing 1-2 lbs. a week. If you get hungry in between meals, eat a healthy snack. You no longer need, nor want to feel stuffed, or FULL, just satisfied, and not like you're starving. I hope this helps you some! As for that sandwich, you should have had, at yor stage, 1 egg, w/1 slice of cheese, and maybe 1-2 small turkey, breakfast sausages. Cook your eggs, in Pam butter, or something similar. Above all, DON'T try to eat, like you used to, hon. If you want to be successful, you have to change your eating habits, altogether. Keep me posted!
HI Shari, I don't consider myself an expert because at almost 2 years, I don't think I have proper restriction yet. I'm doing some soul searching and feel that another adjustment is required.
My thoughts on your question though is that for sure, you're not properly restricted and even with minimal restriction if you try to eat too fast you'll have pain. I have found that if I take those tiny bites everyone talks about, I can eat anything but not in huge quantity, I stop at 1 cup or so and find I'm getting hungier between meals again.
I hope the next fill works for you. I honestly cringed at your sandwich...I couldn't eat that at all (no offense to you)'s just that some foods I cannot eat and your sandwich contained everything I can't stomach!
Good luck!
Hi Shari,
You have some restriction but not enough yet. That is why you can eat that much. With each additional fill, you will be able to eat a bit less. At about the third to fifth fill, you will be there.
Please be careful on what you are eating though. It is not good to keep stretching your pouch - you don't want to "undo" what has been done.
Good luck on your next fill!
Thanks ladies, I appreciate your responses.
1) I did not expect to have restriction at only 1 fill, but got very confused when I had pain and slimed from eating "wrong" with very little to no restriction. Thanks for clarifying.
2) I feel so foolish, I never thought I could be stretching my pouch. I will watch that more closely.
3) The sandwich, although it sounds huge, was less than 2C total volume. The 2 eggs were actually 1/2C egg beaters with the cooked chicken sausage chopped up in it. I cooked the eggs in the microwave in a bowl that holds 1 1/2 cups when filled to the rim. The eggs, sausage and cheese (2 - 1/2oz 2% slices) did not fill the bowl. I normally do not eat like this. I know that eggs and bread/toast can be an issue for many bandsters - I was pushing the limits. I now realize how stupid that was and won't do it again.
4) I'll head back to the mainland now. Come back and visit us occasionally. Your wisdom and SANITY are needed over there.