Recipes anyone?
Morning, hon! I have a lot of left over turkey in the freezer, and even though this recipe doesn't call for meat, I cut up the turkey and add to it. I think it's a real good comfort soup.
1 cup dried Great Northern beans
2/3 large onion, chopped
1-1/3 garlic cloves, minced
2 teaspoons olive or canola oil
2-2/3 LF, or LS, cups chicken broth
2-2/3 cups water
2 medium carrots, sliced
1-1/3 medium red bell peppers, diced
1-1/3 celery ribs, chopped
1/3 cup medium pearl barley
1/3 cup minced fresh parsley, divided
1-1/3 bay leaves
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon pepper
2/3 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained
1-2 cups cooked turkey, or chicken
cook the onion, garlic, celery, and red pepper, and carrots, in the oil, and then, simply add it all together. I usulally do this one on the stove. If you don't like thyme, leave it out, and don't forget to take the bay leaves out! ha It's a pretty healthy soup, I think. I'll try to look it up.
Man, ALL of the recipes look SO good! Makes my head spin! ha Nancy, I have to let you know, the chicken dish was, yummy! I think, because the recipe called for frozen breasts, it was more like soup, but the chicken, was amazingly, moist! Next time, I think I'll put a can of drained LaPerfidia Spanish rice in with the mix, to thicken some. The way it turned out, I put a heated tortilla, in the bottom of the soup bowl, and then put the soup on top. Was VERY good! The cream cheese, added a great creaminess! Geesh, I sound like a food critic! ha Thanks, again, hon!
Well, I figure, with the LF, and LS broth, and if you use LS tomatoes, around 180 cal. per 1 1/2 cup serving, and with the turkey, and beans,and barley, around 20grms of protein! If anyone finds fault with this, please look it all up, and let us know! I will not quit eating it, anyway, as it's really good!

Spicty Sweet potato Wedges
sweet potatoes
vegetable oil
chili powder
maple syrup
cider vinegar
Heat oven to 475 degrees F. Cut 3 large (2 pounds total) scrubbed sweet potatoes into 1/2"-wide wedges. Toss with 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon chili powder, and 3/4 teaspoon salt. Spread on lightly greased baking sheet. Roast 15 to 20 minutes, shaking once during cooking. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons maple syrup mixed with 1 teaspoon cider vinegar.
Sweet Tater & Beef Stew:
Slow cook some beef cubes unti very tender, in just enough water to cover them.
Add a few boullion cubes & Gravy Master, plus garlic powder & black pepper to taste.
When almost done, add cut up and cubed sweet potatoes, carrots, frozen peas and green beans. Cook for another 45 min. or until carrots & sweet potatoes are soft, but not fallin apart.
Remove all ingredients, thinken liquid with a mixture of corn starch/ flour & water. Pour gravy over the ingredients and enjoy with a nice homemade bisquit.
** You can also add onions if you eat them things. I hate them!
Bon Appetite!
Ron....that sounds great but I have a major question for you. What do you mean you hate onions? Does that mean that you never ate (or didn't like) White Castle? Those little WC's are responsible for a good 10 of my pounds lol !!
I didn't know that anyone hated onions !!
I'm going to try your recips...and I'll let you know how it tastes with the smelly onions!!
- Ann
I have had a strong aversion to onions since I was a kid. If I see even a spec of one in something, I can't eat it. It makes nme nausous. I am sure it's a mental thing, but there could even be an alergic thing going on there as well. I have no problem with garlic, by the way.
I have owned and was head chef for two successful restaurants. I cooked almost all of my recipes without onions, even dishes that usually contain the . . . and no one ever missed them. There were some things, like onion soup, where it's noticeable if there are no onions, but for the most part - they really don't matter with the taste.
I know this is a personal issue, and I don't tell anyone else not to eat onions. They just make me sick. And, no . . . I would not eat a White Castle hamburger, even without the onions. I draw the line on "roadkill"!!