I'm kinda with Carole...
I hate food. I think I could live on protein shakes for the rest of my life. However, I do love my band and certainly don't regret getting it. I just no longer want to be bothered with preparing food, being careful with it, and so on. If my husband wasn't the main cook of the house, I probably wouldn't eat. When he was away for five weeks overseas I actually enjoyed the freedom of not having to eat. Not to say I don't enjoy the taste of a meal but really a few bites is all I am interested in.
Probably all psychological. I remember in the very beginning saying to my husband, but I love food... and he said "no you don't you hate it. You hate the power it has over you and what it has done to you". He is so insightful at times
I can't get away with anything lol.
So I look at the recipes being posted and think to myself "Oh that looks nice" but would I ever prepare them myself? Maybe. Sometimes. Probably on the weekend when I cook and only because my husband happens to like to eat.
Food has robbed me of too much of my life for me to give it time now.

Well, in my case, it wasn't FOOD that robbed me of most of my life, it was ME! Other issues, in my life, led me to an outlet, and I turned to food, as some would alcohol, or drugs. I still love food, and always will. I love to cook, and enjoy seeing people enjoy, their food. Thank God, for the band! I guess, I'm at a loss, I don't understand how you can be healthy, and get the right nourishment, Sharyn. You're a remarkable woman!
I hear what you are saying Sharon. I know food didn't take me hostage and force itself down my throat lol. However, I really am over food. My food addiction hasn't been replaced with another and nor do I obsess over it anymore. I just take in sustenance now because I have to. Pretty much as simple as that. I will have at least one meal a day (ty hubby) and sometimes I do have three.... just depends on what's going on. I also take a multi-vitamin pill every second day when I remember and my protein shakes are good quality ones. I always use milk to mix them. I sleep when I need to. I eat when I have to. I'm learning to listen to my body's needs. I think we need a lot less than we think we do.

I love my band! I love the freedom from obsessing about food. So I get what you are saying. Tonight I had some cereal (low cal protein added) and that hit the spot! In the past I would have had meat, fatty carb, bread, dessert, coke, always planned out for dinner. Because of not having to menu plan and cook elaborate meals there is more time to do more important things.