Haven't updated my profile...went back to read it

Karen D.
on 1/14/08 10:30 pm - NY
Revision on 11/24/15
I went back to it last night. It's quite depressing. I noted that as of 12/18/06 I'd lost 70lbs. Doing the math....I've only lost like 15-16lbs in 2007!! That is shameful. I don't need a fill, I get full on the right portion sizes. I have indulged in too many sweets, I know that, BUT, not like I did pre-band and the weight still is not coming off. I could see if I ate chocolate like a hog everyday, but I don't. It's not good. Makes me wonder if I'll ever get this weight off. I'm not going to give up, I just need to get the motivation to do what I need to do for me. Me is always getting put on hold for everyone else. It's frustrating. It's my never ending complaint. Sorry to unload my frustrations on you guys this morning. Just had to get it off my chest. Thanks for listening. Karen
Amanda Miller
on 1/14/08 11:03 pm - Cleveland, OH
Hey girl! Don't sweat it.. You are doing great.. When you are going to put the sweets in your mouth, think about those 15 lbs and ask yourself if it is worth it to you.. The weight must be more important because you wouldn't be upset about it now. Get your ass moving.. Are you exercising? Amanda
Karen D.
on 1/14/08 11:19 pm - NY
Revision on 11/24/15
That's the "me" part I refer to. It's winter and I can't walk outside like I would prefer. I can't go to a gym because I have kids in daycare and I am on a mad dash to drop them off in order to get to work by 7:30am, then I have to fly out at 4 for an hours drive home to get them. Then it's helping with homework, dinner, showers and by the time I'm done, I'm exhausted and ready for bed. It's non stop from 5am until 10pm.....I don't have the luxury of going to a gym before or after work. I can't even solicit DH to chip in because his schedule is as bad as mine, actually worse. Again, it's my gripe......I'll keep trying! Thanks for the boot!
on 1/15/08 12:21 am
Karen: That 4 almost 5 month plateau I was on was truly a mental plateau. It had nothing to do with the band or my body. My head wasnt in the game. Now it is for a multitude of reasons and the weight started coming off again. Because of that my motivation is up again. So its a process but you can do it. I recently met two banded individuals who have been banded 2 years and both are still morbidly obese. (They are a married couple). They havent changed one bad habit. That really made an impression on me. Its your band and your body and its your success when you go after it.
Karen D.
on 1/15/08 1:22 am - NY
Revision on 11/24/15
Thanks...very well put. I've said all along, I'm doing this for me. Only I can make myself exercise or give up that chocolate! I need a mind adjustment, not a saline adjustment! I'm doing better, I feel like food choices are better, quantity is definitely in line. Exercise...I'll be working on! One thing that could be causing issues is my thyroid has been out of whack for many months and 2 months ago I started a higher dosage of meds. I have to have blood drawn next week to see if it has helped then go back to the doctor for a followup. I don't want to be quick to blame the thyroid, but I haven't felt good for a long time and just in the past few weeks have I actually had enough energy to make it through the day without desperately wanting/needing a nap (which I can't have because I'm at work!). I will make more effort to exercise when I can. Thanks for the boost!
on 1/15/08 1:17 am - Beaumont, TX
Karen, You'll make it! You've got your head back in the game. I can see your determination in your words. Have you thought about getting up an hour earlier than everyone else and exercising then? Even if you are using videos or resistance bands at home this counts. This is exactly how I get my exercise in every day (I do have a treadmill in my livingroom, but it doesn't matter to me).
Karen D.
on 1/15/08 1:27 am - NY
Revision on 11/24/15
Thanks Cyndy. No, I haven't done that, mainly because the safest place for me to do my walking video is in my room (no basement) and DH would still be sleeping. I don't dare do any heavy movement in the living room because it is over the basement, old house, creaky floors, all this weight pounding down on them...you get the idea!! But...we do have a little gym about 1/2 mile from my house. I don't know what time it opens but DH and I were contemplating joining. I can take the kids there and they can watch TV while I exercise. Happens to be owned by my sons best friends dad. I think I will call them today and see what time they open. I may just pick up the kids from daycare and go there before I go home. I'll see what I can do to fit it in. Come springtime, I'm totally ready....I walk 3 miles a day when the weather is nice. When daylight is longer I go at night. Thanks again!
Sharon T.
on 1/15/08 2:34 am - Southern , WI
Aw, honey, cheer up, I think you're doing really well. You're not gaining, and that's a plus! My doctor told me, he thinks, I just reached the pont where my body was done losing, anyway! It's always hard, when you've lost the bulk of your weight, already! You know, I felt like my chair exercises and little weights, were useless, until I stopped them, and even I could feel the difference, without those little exercises! I'm sure you'll get to a point where you feel good in your own skin, again, honey!
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