Sitting here in size 18 pants
Hardy Har Har.. actually my pants (length) would fit you fine.. I dont hem anything.. I step on all my pants..
So much so my hockey pants, I stepped on them yesterday while at practice and fell lol
I am way far behind.. You have lost twice as much as I have in about the same amount of time.
I have lost 3 lbs since October lol
Just had one in December. I am pretty good with the amount of food. And for the most part 85% I am eating the right foods.. (more than I was in OCT-DEC) I think I will wait until after my GB removal before filling up again.
My fill in December was .5cc which is huge this late in the game. I am up to 9cc in my band. It was under floro so it was okay.
But I will wait til after surgery just incase.
Or maybe I am having problems because Aunt Flo (who is scheduled to NEVER arrive decided to this month anyway?)