Feeling like a "cheater".
I jus****ched a video clip of The Today's Show weight loss segment. The personal trainer/counselor woman was introducing the amazing women who had lost half of their body weight and her introduction went something like this....Meet these amazing women you lost weight the old fashioned way and didn't CHEAT with surgery or gimmicks.
You've got to watch it! Most of those comment roll right off my back, but she was such a JERK! If I was computer savy enough I would post the link, but alas...I'm not. lol Just makes me feel like a loser for giving in to surgery when these women did it all on their own. She really got to me as you can see.

Kim, you just touch on one of my biggest pet peeves du jour. I just got the new People Magazine which says "People who lost half their weight WITHOUT SURGERY!!" So, why is it so much more impressive if someone used Jenny Craig, or Optifast, or LA Weight Loss to lose weight rather than surgery? They all COST $$, and they all are AIDS to weight loss. I swear, I'm gonna write a letter to People about it. I want them to do a follow-up piece on all those people they've featured over the past several years, and see how many of them have kept off their weight. And, how about a feature on people who have lost weight *with surgery*, and then do a follow-up on that in a couple of years. Let's compare, and see who keeps it off!!
Chelle B.
on 1/11/08 5:55 am
on 1/11/08 5:55 am
I will keep my weight off, no matter how long it takes to get to goal. I ate everything in site for a month during the holidays and perhaps gained a pound or two. For every success story they share, there are hundreds or thousands of people like them who lost and regained.
One of my pet peeves, for sure! Don't you dare feel like a cheater, honey!~Wish they would follow all of these ppl, and see how they're doing in a year! Most of us, were banded, because we'd lost a ton, and always gained it back! I'm sure most of them do, too! I can't tolerate ppl, who no nothing of what they speak, and open their mouths, like they are an authority!~You have to have been there, to know what it's really like! They have no idea, how hard it is to have WLS surgery, and be successful!!
What gets me, is the ones, who advertise, they have lost 20 pounds, and are such a success!~ What the *ell, is 20 pounds! ha
If what we do is "cheat" our way to permanent weight loss....then call me a cheater! That means we are intelligent. We all dieted....we all lost large amounts of weight..we all gained it back.The medical field still doesnt really understand obesity. But corporate America understands the billions of dollars that the diet/weight loss industry brings in every year. Meanwhile, after all those billions have been spent...Americans are getting FATTER. How come when people take diet pills to curb hunger or eat all protein to curb hunger..they arent cheating? All the band does is curb hunger....same difference! The ignorance of the media is amazing. The will be the first to point out Al Roker gained some weight back after bypass....but what about all their former dieting stories? You know the average statistic is 99% of dieters who have 50lbs or more to lose... gain all their weight back and more within the first five years of losing it. Out of the hundreds of dieters I have known..including myself...I only can think of 2-3 people who kept the weight off in the long run. And those people are obsessed! They have to be. Everyone knows maintenance is harder than losing.
So hon if you are a cheater...so are the rest of us! But we get the last laugh baby cakes!

Kimberly I know how you feel . . . .I saw that show also. I also bought the People magazine with all the people that have lost weight. While I'm very happy about all of them losing their weight, I though it was so unfair that way it was advertised:
How to lose weight and keep it off!
15 Success Stories
Their Diet Secrets
Nothing that any of these people did to lose weight is a secret! And, I'm sure that there are many of us that have tried some of the same things at one time or another.
Yes I'm a cheater!
I exercise
I keep my portions small
I work hard to follow the Lap Band rules
I drink plenty of water
I take my vitamins
I try to stay positive and know that there's a lesson in everything
Wow -- CHEATING IS SUCH HARD WORK -- I should have just stuck with WW

I get a kick out of them....and I feel bad for them....and I wish them good luck as they strive to maintain. I mean, good for them for trying, and I hope to God that they succeed, but we've been there, too. I can pretty much quote the menu for WW's and Jenny Craig....and no offense to them, if it works for someone, woo hoo. It didn't KEEP the pounds off of me. Is it there fault...NO....it's mine. So here I am, happily banded. But being a fellow Bandster, I'll jump on the bandwagon and say that those articles are premature and overrated!
- Ann
Then I am soooooo happy that I am a cheater! People do what it takes! If I can keep this weight off, then I will wear a sign around my neck that says I am a cheater! Just becasue we took control a different way, does not make it less authentic. I work hard at it! And you know what? I May do some more "cheating" and get a tummy tuck, and thigh lift. Of course, since a lot of people do that, I am sure that is ignored. Get my teeth whitened? I guess that is cheating too. It is such a load of crap! I think I am going to send them all cupcakes!