Telling a friend many months later?
Hi all!
Have any of you told a friend much after your surgery? How did you go about it?
I've got a couple friends that, for whatever reason, I wasn't comfortable telling at the time. One in particular, I'm not quite sure why, as I'm fairly sure she'd be supportive. But I'm not sure how to do it or IF I should do it.

I have several friends that don't know about my band and then there are complete strangers that If the opportunity presents itself then I'll take it, if not, I'm not going to sweat it.
Having said that, I did have an opportunity with a friend(perfect body, never has a weight issue)over lunch one day and I passed on the whole subject and said "if it looks like I eat differently"...and she filled in the rest of my sentence with "you're doing the no carb diet?" How easy was that to just go along with? I guess it didn't feel'll know when it does.
I told very few people at first but lately when people have commented on my loss and how it is staying off I have told a few close friends. I told them that I didn't tell people at first b/c I didn't know how this was going to turn out and I didn't want the extra pressure of being watched. I feel ready to let others know now that I am at my goal.