Philosophical ponderings, I'd like your 2 cents

Gene G.
on 1/9/08 10:51 pm - Chicago, IL
This is a bit off the beaten path but I'm hoping you can stick with me through this.... My wife & I were discussing the current state of entertainment, particularly on TV. There seems to be a national obsession with Crime Shows, many of which continue to get more graphic often times showing human bodies in all sorts of mutilated states. It is a trend we find disturbing. Then I get to wondering when we lost the awe, the sacredness, the beauty that used to be afforded the human body. Think about some of the greatest works of art, David as many of you know is one of my all-time favorites, which depict the human body in a glorious light. Today, it seems when there is a nude human body depicted it is either porn (probably of someone with all sorts of phony parts, implants, etc) or some grotesque crime scene shot. Both, to me, degredate the wonder of creation known as the human body. Moreover, how many of us feel comfortable seeing our own selves in the birthday suit? I still don't. Where and how did this start to go wrong? Or maybe I'm being too naive and perhaps the reverence I think existed in ages past really wasn't there. Whatever the case, I'm trying to change the lense through which I see humanity. I am working to see the beauty and uniqueness of each human being. I'm tired of shock TV especially the CSI and other crime shows, and tired even more of all the cheap sex thrown at us. What do you all think? By the way, I caught the first episode of "How to Look Good Naked" with Carson Kressley last week. I thought that show was great. If you haven't heard of it, check it out at Lifetime station's website. In short, he is trying to help people (maybe just woman, I'm not sure) how to feel good about themselves with the body they are given.
Sharon T.
on 1/9/08 11:03 pm - Southern , WI
Great post, gene, and very thought provoking! I feel unfortunately, that all of this, c*rap, we see now days, is, the order of supply, and demand! It all SELLS, and therefore, it keeps going and getting more, and more, explicit! It's a shame! Even in my lifetime, in the late 50's, and even the 60's, most of this stuff, would have been, and WAS, unheard of. It would have been said to be, "Scandalous!" Now, I'm no prude, by any means, but I agree with you, wholeheartedly!~I'm sure it has gone on for eons, but not out, in the general populous!
on 1/9/08 11:57 pm
I think there is a scary amount of desensitization going on. Whether its on t.v. or video games etc. Our children are exposed to violence and nudity and somehow the two go together in entertainment. Even in music, rappers lyrics are notorious for being porongraphic and violent. When people are desensitized by entertainment it effects us all in every day living. Life is cheap and why be mannerly to that peice of meat in the next car? Just my opinion.
Phyllis C.
on 1/10/08 1:51 am
Gene, I am afraid that most people do not possess the same awe and respect for the human body as you do. I too am disturbed by mutilated bodies, I enjoy crime shows but do no****ch them for the very reason you are stating. Some people are just more sensitive to that which is not "normal" in the way of nature. I don't like any thing out of place, such as a dogs head on a human body or even a dog dressed up to look like a human as an example. I like each animal just as they are in all of their natural beauty. I think it is natural to be repulsed by ugly or distorted. But some people evidently like being repulsed. Just continue to appreciate beauty as you do. There is nothing anyone can do other's lack of sensitivity. Just feel blessed that you have a gift and an eye for beauty.
on 1/10/08 2:00 am - Commack, NY
Gene, I couldn't agree more! I personally think this new disrespect for the human body started, as did much of what is wrong with our society, with the break down of the family unit and the new "politically correct" liberal creed. Life in my generation centered around the family, and along with it came respect for others, those over us, ourselves and our bodies. Once you eliminate the family unit, you seen abortion, homosexuality, public displays of sexuallity and content, and disregard for all that was considered sacred and a gift from God - like our bodies. I am sure that many will disagree with this and rant & rave, but it's what I firmly believe to be true. Blessings, Ron
Gene G.
on 1/10/08 6:53 am - Chicago, IL
A lot to digest there, Ron and I think I can follow the flow. Being the Christian you are, maybe this ties into what you are saying. I heard it explained that prior to sin, the reason man and woman were naked and "not ashamed" was that there was no fear or vulnerability. Nakedness, the human body and sexuality were preserved as sacred, self giving, and fruitful. The reason Eve wanted to cover herself post-sin was that now even her husband posed a threat to the sacredness of her sexuality. In other words, Adam was then capable of seeing her as something to satisfy him rather than woman created in God's own likeness. I know, girst for the theology mill but regardless, there is no denying how far things have slipped. And I'm starting to see evidence of the pressures our culture places on artificial beauty born out in my 11 and 10 year old daughters. Daddy wants desparately to protect them. Pop culture wants desparately brain wash them.
on 1/10/08 7:30 am - Commack, NY
Hi Gene, You are not too off the mark with your understanding. Theologically, prior to the fall and the introduction of sin into the the world, Adam & Eve enjoyed perfect fellowship with God. With the introduction of sin through pride and disobedience, the world was corrupted and that perfect fellowship was broken. Now, amoung other things, man knew shame, guilt, sickness, and so much more, and was no longer fit to be in God's presence. Along with sin came the knbowledge of good and evil, and misuse of all God had blessed them with, including the natural use of their bodies. It is a shame what the world now tells our kids about what is good, right and acceptable. In the lasy generation there has been such a downward slide in morals and values, that it's like I am living in a completely different world. Mty heart goes out to kids, yours, my grandchildren . . . all kids. Great topic and I am glad you have the conviction to bring it up. Blessings, Ron
Chelle B.
on 1/10/08 4:10 am
Nice topic! When I first started traveling in Europe - I was surprised at the TV shows. Lots of nudity, very natural. Almost NO violence. Guess they are teaching their kids different things than we are.
on 1/10/08 6:24 am - AR
VSG on 11/17/07 with
I am a dyed-in-the-wool Law & Order:SVU fan. However, I was totally repulsed a few weeks ago when Melinda (the medical examiner) held up a baggie with lips in it. NOPE! Can't go there. I was really upset that they would be soooo graphic. This show has always relied on good stories and great actors (read: Chris Meloni) and actresses. I just felt that was so over-the-top. I also had to ask myself, Do I REALLY want Hilary watching things like that? I mean, she's paranoid enough! Thanks for this excellent thought-provoking post. I really enjoy books, television shows, etc. that celebrate our bodies and encourage us to love them!
(deactivated member)
on 1/10/08 9:17 am - Miramar Beach, FL
To Ron: There's been sin and corruption in the world since biblical days. The media just didn't throw it in everyone's face back then. To Gene: The nekkid human body is a wonderful thing, in all it's guises, and it's a damn shame that our country (especially the right wing) turns it into something nasty that needs to be hidden. But, I'll personally still feel better about my own once I get the "phony" and floppy bits adjusted! Tami
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