Are you hungry?
Well, let me grab my umbrella, and I'll pop in! ha We jus****ched Mary Poppins, with our granddaughter! Honey, my only worry with you, is I wish you'd eat a more balanced menu, and Nancy has that outlined for you, now, so we'll both be watching! lol I'm just pulling your chain. I can only tell you what works for me, and I have found the balanced menu works, best for me. Fruits, veggies, protein, and yes, the awful, controversial, water! Was that a yell?

I am always hungry Sharon. LOL
I was doing great today until afternoon. They I when ape-shoot and ate the entire contents of the refrigerator. I was stressed out waiting for my mom to get back from having test at the hospital. Long story that I dont' have the energy to write about. would take DAYS to read everything I ate if I wrote it all down. LOL
Good day for me:
B: Scrabled Eggbeaters with spinach
S: SF Hot chocolate
L: 1/2 Lean Cuisine with Extra Chicken added
S: 1/2 Deviled Egg (PB on other half, not full blown but enough to know I have restriction, stopped in time)
D: 1 Fish fillet and broccoli
S: SF Yogurt
I want to share something I've discovered: The Lean Cuisines have too many carbs for me so I split the dinner in 1/2 and add more protein. It's delish and saves on too many carbs.
Thanks for posting everyone.