WW Core Program - by request
Nancy W
on 1/8/08 11:14 pm
on 1/8/08 11:14 pm
VEGETABLES - Fresh, frozen, canned. Excluding refried beans, veggies in butter sauce, tomatoes packed in oil, sweet pickles.
FRUITS - Only fresh, frozen, or packed in water or it's own juice. No fruit juice.
SOUPS - Excluding cream soups.
MILK PRODUCTS - All fat-free, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, pudding, WW smoothies.
STARCHES, GRAINS, CEREALS - Excludes bread. Choose whole grain pastas, brown rice, potatoes (red, white, sweet) cereal with no sugar.
MEAT - Beef needs to be no more than 7% fat and limited to 1 per day. Excluding deli meats and hot dogs.
FISH - Canned fish must be packed in water.
EGGS - Real eggs and substitutes allowed.
OILS - 2 tsp. olive, veg, canola, etc. oil each day. Fat-free salad dressings, fat-free mayo, fat-free margarine, cooking sprays.
That is the basic list. You can also use 35 flex points on this program. For example if Chelle wanted to have her non-fat hot chocolate in the morning, she would use her flex points to include the sugar. You don't have to use the flex points, but you can if you want.
There is no other counting on the Core program. Just eat what you are comfortable with from anything on the list.
Nancy W
on 1/9/08 12:00 am
on 1/9/08 12:00 am
No problem Chelle. I think this is what Beth is doing, she can probably answer any specifics. But if you have a question about anything, I always have the book handy.
I think it looks pretty Bandster friendly. I am doing the Flex plan, because I thought it would be easier initially. But if I continue to lose, and get less points, this could be an option.
Hey, Nancy!!! I, too, am doing the Flex plan. I love it because I enjoy cooking. I do have trouble meeting my points some days, but I've recently found a good way to work things. Some days I barely get in 800 calories. And I was stuck for a long time. I started eating five or six small meals a day and trying to get in my points (and adding fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc.) and lo and behold, I'm losing! In fact, I slid right into Onederland today!
Yep. Instead of the handful of chips or cookies, I'll opt for a piece of fruit! BUT if I want some chips with my burger (okay...my 1/4 of a burger), then I'll have them! I just put my points into the Point Tracker at www.weigh****chers.com!
And thanks~ I was tickled pink!