Article: Medical Myths Even Your Dr. Believes:
medical myths:
I have always thought this was common sense! I noticed some of us are posting that they are drinking 80-100 0z of water a day
My surgeon told a friend of mine who had RNY to cool it when she mentioned she was drinking 80 0z a day. More isn't always better!
I also read an article from a bariatric group that stated that too much water keeps your bowels in "overflow" and washes the food into your intestines too quickly. I think it was posted on the WLS grads forums and called "How to Ruin your Pouch," but if
I find the article I will repost it.
Happy New Year everyone!

I have never believed in making yourself drink copious amounts of water. Obviously if you exercise hard you need more...but IMHO, God didn't make a mistake when he made me and my body will tell me when I am thirsty. Many people don't realize that they get alot of their fluid intake for the day from their food. I am in no way bashing anyone who drinks alot of water. Some people just naturally crave more fluids. I don't, and don't feel like forcing myself to drink is wise. I have also never seen a difference in my rate of weight loss whether I drank alot or not.
Great article, thanks!

Julie, I have heard that before, and I'm sure it's true, in some instances. I talked to my doctor about it, and he said, true for most ppl, however, with the band, it helps tremendously, to keep your body totally washed out, to get rid of the fat cells, that build up, 100oz a day, is not excessive, like bodybuilders drink. if you have to force yourself to drink it, then by all means, don't. I have no problem with it, and feel it has greatly helped me achieve what I have with my band. There, again, we're all different, and what works for one, will not work, for more. I believe in my doctor. I'm sure a lot of ppl, will appreciate what you posted, honey! Thanks.
This water thing is always an ongoing debate, which is good!!! I think it's just plain old common sense, I try to drink 64 oz a day which is the normal recommended amount, but I also drink tea and 1 cup of coffee a day which I don't count. There have been documented cases where people hurt themselves by drinking too much water, so I think it's just do what works for you and use common sense. Hey, if I'm going to drink too much of something, dang, it's going to be RUM....

I've heard this before as well. Also, a few years ago, there was a major study on human hydration in which they said that you can count ANY liquid toward that 8 glasses a day. Yes, things with caffiene have a diuretic effect, but the effect is mild and not strong enough to offset how much hydration you got from the liquid. So, if you wanted to get all your liquid in coffee form, fine (you'll probably get a bit jittery though). Probably is best not do get all your liquid in beer form either. I doubt I've ever managed to get 8 full glasses in. I think I did pretty good yesterday getting 40 ounces in, that is a lot more than usualy for me. I probably should drink more than I do, but if I push my liquid consumption, it makes me queasy. Most of the time I don't even finish a flavored drink or a can of soda in one sitting.
Nancy W
on 1/8/08 12:03 am
on 1/8/08 12:03 am
It's an ongoing debate for sure. I do know people who I NEVER see drinking water, like our receptionist. She drinks soda and other stuff, but never water. She hasn't died, but not sure if she's healthy either.
I believe we need pure water for organ function, etc., I don't overdo it though. I probably drink the equivalent of at least 2 water bottles a day, and the rest of my liquids are tea, coffee, milk, crystal light. I don't really count it, but I get plenty.
I tend to go with the old philosophy: All things in moderation. So, I don't push myself to drink water (except when I'm doing heavy cardio exercise, and sweating profusely!), but I *know* that if I do drink my water regularly, I tend to eat less. I think that we often mistake thirst for hunger (we want "something", but not exactly sure what). Plus, if you have a belly full of water (or green tea, Crystal Light, etc.), then you are less likely to grab a snack.
I'll go with what works (for me!)
This is what a quiz on told me today
"Are you drinking enough water?"
A person who is 232 pounds
and is exercising for 60 minutes ,
is not pregnant,
is not breastfeeding,
does not live at a high altitude,
does not live in a dry climate,
drinks 0 alcoholic drink(s),
when the weather is not very hot or very cold,
and is not sick with fever or diarrhea should have:
122 ounces of water today, or 3.7 liters.
If you eat a healthy diet, about 20 percent of your water may come from the foods you eat. If you eat a healthy diet you can drink 97.6 ounces of water today, or 2.9 liters.
Remember tha****er is the best source for your daily fluid needs. Other good beverages include milk, herbal teas, low-sodium broth, 100% fruit and vegetable juices. Soft drinks will also count toward your daily total of fluid, just remember that sugar sweetened soft drinks and fruit juices add extra calories to you daily diet that you don't need.
I noticed one more thing.. it depends on how big you are..
I did everything the same in the survey, except I made myself 100 lighter. 132 instead of 232 and this is what it says
A person who is 132 pounds
and is exercising for 60 minutes ,
is not pregnant,
is not breastfeeding,
does not live at a high altitude,
does not live in a dry climate,
drinks 0 alcoholic drink(s),
when the weather is not very hot or very cold,
and is not sick with fever or diarrhea should have:
72 ounces of water today, or 2.2 liters.
If you eat a healthy diet, about 20 percent of your water may come from the foods you eat. If you eat a healthy diet you can drink 57.6 ounces of water today, or 1.7 liters.