Nutrionists and what they do?
Anyone know if nutritionists will write up an actual meal plan - band friendly - for you to follow? My insurance paid for me to see a nutritionist for 2 or 3 years following banding and I've only seen her twice. I had not found the visits too helpful.
What I really want is for someone familiar with the band to give me a meal plan to follow for a couple weeks. I know this could very well take a lot of time, factoring in you have to calculate calories, fat etc. I just don't have that kind of time to do it myself. I figured these folks would have the knowledge or something on hand.
The further out I get, the harder this weight loss has become, even with proper restriction and I feel like I need more help.
Just wondered your thoughts!
Hi Karen~ SOrry for your dissappointment with your NUT...I am in the same boat! I went to her 3x..gave me no info except...."Keep doing what your doing, because it's working!". WTH? Is does get harder as time goes on.....I never counted calories....still don't, just my preference.....trying to convince my body I amnot on a DIET...just changing my eating choices. They best info I ever got was froma male trainer...he actually helped my plan meals, discussed what I could possibly be doing wrong etc..I was VERY intimidated becasue he was a body builder...but he was smarter than my NUT! Unfortunately my kidney issues put me on hold with him....he wants me to follow Dr rules until stones are gone and function returns. Hopefully someone can give you the answers your looking for.....just wanted to say I was in the same boat with my NUT @ $250 a visit!
Hi Karen, do you have lap band support groups in your area? If so, send out an email and ask others if they know of a good nutritionist. Otherwise, I love for logging my food and exercise, you can do shopping lists, meal plans, the whole deal.....Let us know what you find out, please. I have had the same experience with the NUT with our clinic, she is known as the "MILK NAZI"...skinny, bean pole, never had a weight issue in her life.........
Take care. Mary

I hear you Karen! I can't stand seeing the nut when I went to the doctor. I feel like she was talking to me like I was dumb and in fact, I think I knew more than she did. If there was anything I have learned through the years of WW, Jenny Craig, Nutri-System and the other countless diets is that I know nutrition. I just didn't eat nutritiously. It has become really hard to lose weight for me recently although I haven't made good choices at all... it's me. Wish I could help you out.