Should we try our first "challenge"?? or we could call it something else...
I dont usually participate in challenges, but today is really the first day of my getting "back on track". If I set a date for a month or month and a half from now, would anyone want to join me?
I am going to change these areas
Exercise-at least 4 times a week...
Water-always my battle...80-100oz
Protein first veggies second...good carbs if there is room.
No Sugar.
I may go off white flour too, I am thinking it may be a trigger food for me.
My goal with setting a time frame is of course to lose weight...but mostly to change some habits...and set a time to do that.
We could call it "change your habits month"...but thats not really
OK - I thought about what I am doing. Today I did not start WW like I planned because the PTO teacher lunch was today and it is always soooooo good I didn't want to miss out. But then I realize, there is always going to be something everyday. So, I'm starting tomorrow. WW core - cutting out the bad carbs. I have to do something I can live with and I can't totally cut carbs out. I have tried and failed in the past. This is something I can do.