Now that the holidays are gone, are we all on a new regime?! What's for dinner?!
If you're talking to me, Sharyn, NO thank God, or I'd be actually living in the bathroom!I've been doing it the same, ever since, I started taking in 100oz. It's the same everyday, and if I'm not home, I take it with me! I can tell such a big difference, if I DON'T get that much!~ I have already washed out the 4 pounds I gained over the holidays! I doubt any of you, guys remember, Dirk, on the main board, he used to preach WATER, and I paid attnetion to him!~

B- strawberry and cream cheese toaster strudel
L- 1 cheese stick, 1 piece of leftover pizza
S- Caramel sundae from McDonalds
D- 1 cheese stick, 1 piece of leftover pizza...just the toppings no crust
S- 1/2 of a herseys bar
I drunk a lot of orange juice today....I hate to think of how many calories, but I'm trying to get plenty of vitamin c to help fight off this cold.
Opps I keep remembering things I've had!
I also had a carnation smoothie (banana and peanut butter)
I have at least done good on something.....I've drunk about 60 oz of water and the night is still young lol.
Although that means I will probably eat something else to....I'm thinking a yogurt, not chocolate.
Hopefully posting here will make me more aware of how much JUNK I'm eating.
I would hate to see how much weight I would've gained if I didn't have the band. I know it would be more than 15 pounds! I didn't think to ask the doc about vit. c pills so I just had hubby pick up some OJ last night. I love toaster strudels! That was the only thing I could keep down for breakfast the first few months of being pregnant.
They make me want to eat sugar all day though. In the morning I'm having an omelet or something without so much sugar!