Long time post ops...how often do you see your doctor?
I'm almost 2 years post op and I have seen my doctor every month or 2 since banding. I was supposed to go before Christmas but I cancelled because I had a PB and knew I didn't need a fill. I was just curious if you see the doc when he wants you to, or do you go when you feel you need to?
I haven't had a fill since September and I still a pretty tight. I make an appointment to see the doctor each time I am there because it is tough to get an appointment. Last time I didn't make an appointment I had to wait about three weeks to get in. But that wasn't your question was it? I went once a month for the first year and then about every other month for a bit. I didn't go all summer like from April to September and the last time I went to see the doctor was October although I was suppose to go in December but I cancelled the appointment because I had a awful cold. So now I just go when I feel I need to go - not often at all.
Hey Karen,
I don't go that often....last time I went was for a slight fill, following a slight unfill. He wanted me to come back in a month (that was August) but I still get a little stuck sometimes so I'm not in a hurry to go back cause I put on some holiday weight. I'm determined to get that off right away so when I drop 10, which I know I can with my current restriction, I'll go back, but I'm thinking 2 x a year is plenty right now - as long as my fill isn't evaporating!
- Ann