Do you still have your "FAT" clothes?
I still have every single item that is too big for me. I just can't let em' go. I'm not a pack rat either...I typically have no trouble parting with things I don't use.
I can think of two occasions in the past where I gave away or sold my entire "fat" wardrobe only to need it again by the next season. It was humilating not mention expensive to have to replace. I justified hanging on the clothes by saying I would use them as maternity clothes when I got pregnant. I'm almost 33 weeks pregnant now. Have I worn any of those clothes? NOPE! I can't stand the thought of putting them on again, but the thought of getting rid of them terrifies me.
I have about 4 or 5 huge storage containers in a very small outbuilding.
Has anyone else struggled with getting rid of the too big clothes. I sort of have it in the back of my mind that if I go 5 years and don't have to wear them I will get rid of them. Its been almost 3 (for the biggest sizes) so I'm getting there lol!
I have kept one or two 'select' pieces that I put on every now and then to remind myself I am not that big anymore. I found it extremely difficult to get rid of them and to be honest, I still have a small bag that I am going to get altered... but I will. I think its really important psychologically, to get rid of them. "This is the new you. There is no more fitting into those clothes EVER AGAIN"! I had to tell myself that over and over. I think there was almost a grieving process attached to getting rid of my big clothes.
Chuck 'em out or sell them .. you'll never need them again

I kept only one or two "fat: clothes to remind myself where I started. One thing I kept was a beautiful sweater with cats on it. I used to think I looked great in that sweater. Now it is 86 pounds too big on me! It makes me happy to see it fall off my shoulders! I gave everything else away because I will never allow myself to go back there again! I have too much fun living life to kill myself with food again...
I gave all of my old clothes to the Vietnam Vets. I am happy knowing that people that need it are wearing our old but good things...(especially winter coats and heavy things for the cold weather)
Funny you should ask that question.. I have always kept my fat clothes in the past boxes and bags and plastic tubs of them but not this time ...I just gave away almost all my fat clothest this time to 2 women who desperately needed them and it made me feel really good to know they will get some use out of them lots of blazers, pantsuits, some of the tops and blouses still with tags ..never worn!! My Grand daughter has a freind who parents are struggling I gave her a few boxes I also met a young mother who had several children with her trying to shop and she was dressed pretty threadbare. I took her phone number down and hubby and I brought her all these clothes Her eyes were just shining,she was so happy it was right at Thanskgiving too !! I am the one *****ally received the gifts ... What a wonderful feeling..
I kept a few things, just to remind me, but then, dicided, i didn't want to be reminded! ha Over the last few years, I bet I donated 2 tons of clothes to my church!~ We work a lot with a charity for unwed mothers, and they got a lot of them, as they needed the bigger clothes! It was weird, seing some of them wearing my old fat clothes!