daughter and dog update
Thank you very much for your kind thoughts and good wishes. My daughter had her appendix taken out and is doing ok. I picked up the dog from doggie hospital....she is ok, and its chicken breasts and rice for the rest of her life.
Money Score:
daughter = $0
dog = $545.00
The gym membership will just have to wait awhile.

Hey, you got off cheap on the dog! I spent well over $1,700 on a cat last year that I didn't even own! I'm stupid and a sucker, yes. But I had good reasons (young cat, very ill; more cats in the home + a little kid so I was worried about what may have been going on so I thought it was worth the $$).
I'm glad to hear everyone is doing better. Now you can breathe again!
I'm sorry I have not been on for 3 weeks, so do not know what happened. But I did want to say "thank God they will be fine"........
I also wanted to say, I have never had an animal in my whole life. But
we just got a black lab 2 weeks before christmas. She came from shelter, had a cough and soon water on the lung. So needless to say
she got a scrip at the drug store that cost $120.00 and at the same
time my husband picked up mine and it cost $5.00.
So since we got her. It cost $120 at the shelter, $200.00 at the first
pet smart visit, since than $200.00 on other supplies, crate , food, pooper scoop etc. Two vet visits, 87 dollars for the first and $120 for the second because of the x-rays. But I gotta tell you. If I had this
dog when I had small kids I could not of afforded all that. But now my
kids are grown, and on their own, but I do have a 16yr old. This dog is
like "she has always been here". She has bonded so well. Just wanted to say that we looked into ins. But it is a rip-off. So many things they don't cover. It was not worth 30.00 dollars a month.
Glad all is well.
Bridget k.