Nancy W
on 1/4/08 12:32 pm
Sorry L, I saw your post this morning, and now can't find it, so I thought I would post here. I was home for 12 years after I got married, home with my boys. I don't need the benefits really, as my DH gets great benefits and has a great pension. So I decided that part-time was for me. I went to work for a good friend who had a Property Management/Real Estate business. It's worked out well for me. I work about 25 hours a week, and that is plenty for me with my family and other obligations. If I were to look for something with benefits, I would investigate a county, federal or job with the schools. I probably would have gone with the schools, because I would have summers off (if you want), and shorter days. You can go into the county office, fill out several cards for the available jobs and go from there. My neice got a great job in the Family Support division of the District Atty's office in our town (child support). She had no college and they were willing to train her.
on 1/4/08 12:44 pm
Thanks Nancy. This has been a very hard decision to make as I would like to spend my time in the full-time "volunteering" work that so many that we know do. We have had to come to terms with the fact that my husband may need back surgery..and so far 3 insurance companies have said they will insure me ...but not anything related to the band....(ever)..that doesnt help me if it ever needs to come out. So...I think you are right...many posted that state, federal, county, district..etc type jobs have good pay...but better benies and pension. I have talked to the counselor at the local college and he really tries to convert me into believing that I will need at least 2 years of schooling to get a good job. I know that is his he needs to recruit for the college..but I dont have 2 years for schooling and have other priorities. (as you know) So I probably will take some part time computer application classes to brush up on my technical skills...the semester starts at the end of this month....
Nancy W
on 1/4/08 12:50 pm
For what it's worth, if you do get on with someone who has a group plan, I think they have to take you as is. I know that it's that way with my husband company. No pre-existing exemptions.
Nancy W
on 1/4/08 1:15 pm
Just another thought... Don't feel guilty because you are going back to work. You have to do what is right for you and your family. You know what's best. We would all like to do certain things, but it is getting tougher to have a one income household. Between gas, groceries, and just the cost of living, it's nearly impossible!
on 1/4/08 1:46 pm
So true! The gas here is 3.19 a gallon...I dont know why its more expensive than other places, but...just in that area feeling the crunch. We just got rid of two cars for one. One of the vehicles was a Chevy Yukon XL...seated 8. Trying to conserve in other areas, but its not just an economic issue...its a health coverage issue and heaven forbid an old age issue.....(hard to wrap my brain around that one) I always have my say "on my pillow"...and just try to make the best decisions with short sited imperfect human thinking...thats all any of us can do.
on 1/4/08 1:15 pm - Sayville, NY
Steve and I both worked for the New York City schools for over 34 years. It gave us good benefits that we still enjoy now that we are retired. They paid for our surgeries although we did have to file appeals. I am so grateful that I have my City pension too. We also had job security when things were bad in the marketplace. Just my opinion...
on 1/4/08 1:47 pm
I always value your opinion Marcia. I will peruse the school district listings....
Sharon T.
on 1/5/08 12:26 am - Southern , WI
Hon, I tell you the way things are nowdays, is scary! So many companies don't offer health ins., anymore. We are both on disability SS, and that is not easy. I have Medicare, and a supplement. They take a huge part of my monthly check, just for Medicare, so I fought to get Michael free VA healthcare, since we have a hospital here. It took bugging them to death, every day, there was a 2 yr waiting period. I got him in, though. His place of work, shut down, after he'd been there 27 years,and this was when I was starting with all of my illnesses, and had to quit my job, so we lived on our savings, and 401K, for almost 4 years, and paid over $800, a month, for Cobra ins. we are with no $$, for our retirement. I'm telling you ALL of this so you can see, you never know what may happen, and please try to be prepared! I wish you all the best in your hunting!, honey! I had hoped to go back to work, part time, but now with caring for Michael, there is no way.
on 1/5/08 12:42 am
I understand what you are saying Sharon...Good Advice. Good for you for getting those V.A. benefits. Whats wrong with the government when they dont hold up there side of the deal? I know that happens often. My mother is trying to get disability at 56 she has had to go to a lawyer who has told her she will eventually qualify, but they have to play this game of petitioning to the government with all her medical tests and they deny, deny, deny...then eventually approve the disability application. The lawyer of course gets a good percentage of those disability payments when they first come in. When I was young I didnt think much about retirement and health care, now its seems to be all I think
Sharon T.
on 1/5/08 1:34 am - Southern , WI
Hon, we thought we had our life set, great jobs, and a good retirement planned! Poof! I had to get a lawyer, for my disability, and here, it's a set fee. They can only take a certain amount, from our retro check. They usually don't even make it to court. I got like 6 years of retro pay, and Michael got 3. I wrote the gov such a letter, about him, he didn't even need a lawyer! ha I sure hope yor plan works, and you Mom gets her disability! Even after she does, if it isn't deemed lifetime disability, she will have a review, either every 3 yrs, 5, or 7 yrs., to make sure she is elegible! Isn't that a crock. To get your OWN money! Life is certainly a challenge!
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