Worried about the amount of food I can eat...
I don't know if it was from exercising or not but I could not get full last night. I drank some water, ate my dinner, drank some more, ate some more and I went on like that all the way up until bedtime. When I was just about to go to bed, I ate a bite of a potato wedge and that sent me from feeling hungry to waaay over the full line and then I was just disgusted with myself. I know I need a fill but I also know that I have restriction because there are certain foods that will not go down..etc. Anyone else ever been here? I am scared when I feel ravenous like that, I don't want to damage my band.
Chelle B.
on 1/4/08 2:36 am
on 1/4/08 2:36 am
Hi Robyn, I have been through that myself. The mistake I made was getting a fill when it really wasn't necessary and causing myself all kinds of grief. What did you eat earlier in the day? Also you might want to try hot chocolate with skim milk when you are really hungry - that fills me up. Or go all out with a Bit o'Honey bar - 190 calories, hard to eat, and fills you totally, lol.
Are you nursing Jonah? I wasn't banded when I had my boys but I do remember being RAVENOUS and parched pretty much until they were weaned.
Don't beat yourself up on it. Think quantity. With all the picking/grazing you did, did you actually eat a lot at any one sitting?
I go through hours (...days!) of being very hungry. Sometimes I remember to keep a big glass of ice water with me. Sometimes I remember to brush my teeth (nothing tastes very good when you have a minty fresh mouth). Sometimes I remember to paint my nails - wet nails mess up if you reach into the pringles can....
Sometimes I don't. I just try harder the next time.
Yes, I am breastfeeding, but I am also gaining weight. He is eating less frequently now and I need to cut back. It is hard though. I do feel ravenous and sometimes I drin****il I feel sick. I nursed my daughter for a year and planned on doing the same with Jonah. I guess that may affect my weightloss for awhile but I won't consider it an excuse to eat junk. Maybe I should up my exercise to burn some extra calories

I was ravenous all the time when I was nursing! Its really where I put on all my weight. I never gained an ounce when I was pregnant. I actually weighed less after giving birth than I did before I got pregnant...but once I was nursing...Uggghhhh! I coudn't get enough carbs and sweets. I agree with Chelle..try the hot chocolate. It help me at night with cravings. Especially if I get it really hot so I have to take my time.