My mom is getting banded
So, my mom has a date for surgery: Jan 15th. I'll be taking the 15th-18th off work to go down to San Antonio to help her.
I'm glad she is doing it on one hand...on the other hand we all know this isn't a piece of cake and I worry that I'm looking forward to a good long time of her calling me every day to complain about every single discomfort and inconvenience. And I'm worried she'll have problems and blame me for encouraging her to do this. She actually looked into the band before I did, but tricare wouldn't approve it at that time so she couldn't get it done. She actually told me about the surgeon in SA that was doing it for a decent price and that was how I managed to do it self-pay.
I worry about her even having surgery, although all her doctors have cleared her (she's 63 and has diabetes, CHF and high blood pressure)
anyway...I keep vacillating between being excited that this might really help her regain some of her mobility and worrying that she's going to be miserable. Any of you know anyone who started this journey a bit older and a lot less mobile?
Hi, I have taken care of people who have had band surgery that were older and sicker. They have done well. The hospital is used to dealing with patients who have lots of health problems. That is what is good about having the surgery done laparascopically. People recover faster. Good luck on her surgery day and I will say a prayer. Let us know how she is doing. Mona
It would be nice if she could at least end up getting off insulin and, if she looses enough, she might be able to get her knee replaeced. Or at least have less joint pain. She's actually been doing pretty good pre-banding, they didn't put her on any specific diet but she started byetta a while back and has lost around 50 lbs I think. Now I just need to get her to clean out her closet because she's already wearing too much stuff that's too big for her.
My mother in law is on byetta. She has lost over 80 lbs.. and still thought she was wearing a 30/32. (she is in an 18 now) lol I made her get rid of all her big clothes.. it was so funny watching her put up a fight.. She kept a dress from her father's funeral 13 years ago.. and kept saying.. I will be happy when this thing fits again.. It was HUGE on her.. it was a 24. lol
Good Luck with everything.. she will probably be a handful, but in the end, it will be worth it!
Hi Dev, love your new pic!
I can understand your apprehension, both for your mother's health issues, and the doubt about whether this will work for her. But, if she's committed to making it work, then she can certainly do it, regardless of her age or mobility. She may not lose as fast, or as much as someone younger or in better health, but any improvement can make a big difference with co-morbid health issues.
She just has to go into this realizing that the band is just one factor in weight loss success. It's an aid, nothing more. I know it's probably harder to change things up at age 63, but she's got to be willing to make adjustments in her eating and lifestyle to be successful.
Good strong for her!
Hopefully, everything will be fine. She may surprise you, hon. I was 58, and in a wheel chair a lot of the time. I had diabetes, HBP, High cholesterol, and severe osteo-arthritis, all over. since, my type 2 diabetes, is gone, so is the HBP, HC, and I had 4 replacements. She will start to feel SO much better, I'm sure! She is in my prayers, honey! Keep us posted, please.
I'm not quite as old as your Mom - I was 57 when I had my surgery 2 years ago but it has given me back my life. I had high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea and COPD & asthma. I couldn't even walk to the mailbox without having to stop and rest. I was on more medicine than you could shake a stick at but I was a very sick woman. My COPD and sleep apnea are totally gone. I only take one asthma med down from 5. My diabetes is controlled by diet alone. I only take one blood pressure med instead of 3. Oh and I almost forgot - I no longer have high cholesterol. I pray that she has at least the success that God and my surgeon gave me.
Hey Dev!
That is awesome that your mom is getting the band... Yeah Mom! I also understand your concerns. I hate being the one to get someone to do something and then something always seems to not go as the person felt it should and then its my fault so I can totally understand your feeling like she might blame you if the band doesnt work out. However she is going into this knowing the risk. She has seen your ups and downs so she isnt going in blind. So dont blame yourself if something doesnt go as planned or there are problems. She is doing this to get healthy and that is important her health (not that you dont know that)
Please keep us posted on how she is doing!