Plastic Surgery Consult
Congrats Tami that is awesome! The part that I find amazing.. in my head, I never in a million years thought you would need plastics. lol I pictured you as a lean mean fighting machine lol
One other question.. and you dont have to answer if it is too personal. How much does all the work cost? I mean total, not how much you have to pay out of pocket or anything.
Wow you are my hero! I know what you mean being comfortable in a bathing suit heavier....then you lose weight and are my hero!
I am in support group with several RNYers who have plastics...they look really good. The lower body lift takes some time to recover from...but you are definitely healthier than the lady who I am talking about that had this done.
We want pics!!!!!
Marcia, thanks for the good wishes!
Sharyn, it definitely makes a huge difference to have your spouse on your side. My hubby is all for getting the "girls" lifted, but not so sure about the rest of it. I'm sure we'll have a nice long discussion about it this weekend. I may end up deciding to split it up into two surgeries. That would be less risk, and less $$ all at once, but on the downside, it means overall more $$, and two periods of recovery (and not being about to workout, which scares the crap out of me).
I have to admit to you guys (some have already heard this story before), but I've actually already gone through this once before, so I know what to expect regarding pain and recovery. I kinda hate to admit that I went through major surgery, and $8,000 twelve years ago for breast lift/augmentation and lower body lift, and then threw it all away be re-gaining all the weight I had lost plus more. But, I think that time I jumped into the surgery too quickly. This time I have the band to help keep me in check, I'm in waaaay better physical condition, with a solid year of consistent exercise under my belt, I've been maintaining for 7 months, and best of all, I have the benefit of wisdom from past experience
Karen, thanks for your message...wise to start investigating early!
Deb, brave? I dunno. It would be more brave to accept the body I have and be happy with it! But, I'm blessed with an unusual tolerance for pain, and I'm really not intimidated by the surgery, except for the cost!
Amanda, I *am* a lean, mean, weight losing machine! My bodyfat percentage is quite low, even though my BMI is still at about 23 (because of the muscle). But, I still have a lot of icky, loose skin. But, I have to say, there's a huge difference between "need" and "want". I don't "need" plastic surgery. (Well, my implants need to be replaced...that's a "maintenance" issue.) But, I *want* to be the best I can be. I want to be able to see my well-toned thighs without pulling up my skin like a girdle! I'm 48 years old, and if I don't go for it now, then I won't ever do it. But, if I'm honest with myself, there are probably plenty of 48 year old women out there with thighs no better than mine who have never been obese.
If I go with the total package, it'll be just over $25,000. I don't even want to think about the clothes alone that I could buy with just a fraction of that amount. Sh*t, if I'm not careful I'll talk *myself* out of this.
Lenora, yeah, I was definitely more comfortable in my *skin* when it was fuller! My expectations for myself get more picky the smaller and fitter I get! As for pics...I'll take 'em, but don't expect to see any "before" pics until I have much improved "after" pics to compare to!