Movie recommendation!

Nancy W
on 1/2/08 12:52 pm
We saw National Treasure yesterday (the new one) and it was REALLY GOOD! Great story, good action, funny. I was thoroughly entertained. Clean enough for the whole family. No language, no nothing.
on 1/2/08 12:58 pm
I saw that and thought it was good too. Nick Cage...hmmm?...what to say?... is he is getting stranger in his old age..or is it just me? We saw "I am legend"..Will Smith was incredible in that. No supernatural elements to the story line, however....they make the virus ridden populace very creepy. Definitely a thriller. My mom wants me to go see P.S. I love You with her....
Nancy W
on 1/2/08 1:06 pm
He is definitely different looking, but there is something interesting about him. His hair is kind of funky...must be fake. You are probably too young, but he was totally hot in Valley Girl. I want to see P.S. too. My girlfriends all say it is good.
on 1/2/08 2:36 pm - Sayville, NY
I can't wait to go see it. I loved the first one. I'm glad to hear you liked it.
Sharon T.
on 1/2/08 9:39 pm - Southern , WI
Saw the first one, and it was good! Nicolas Cage, is a real puzzle to me, he used to be really hot, like in Face Off, but has become, yes, "weird!" Everytime I think of him married to Lisa Marie, I gag! lol
Chelle B.
on 1/2/08 9:56 pm
I loved that movie! And also Enchanted was wonderful. Nice to see wonderfully entertaining clean movies again.
on 1/3/08 12:33 am - Gallatin, TN
I saw it yesterday too (played hooky from work with my husband). The movie was good and I wouldn't have had any problems bringing my 6 year old and 7 year old to see it - but it was still nice to see without them. I agree about Nick Cage. He was HOT in Valley Girl - SMOKING HOT. Now it's a combination of the odd hair (must be fake) and his TEETH! His teeth are HUGE and horse-like. I was looking at them thinking if they're caps he should sue and if they're his 'real' teeth, he should start gnawing chew sticks or something to wear those bad boys down a little. I want to see Sweeny Todd, I am Legend and Enchanted. I'm planning on Enchanted for my next girls-night-out movie night (because we try to pick something the husbands would rather eat glass than sit through). Has anyone seen Sweeny Todd? LauraSlidell (now North of Nashville) 4 years out and haven't lost any ground....
on 1/3/08 2:43 am - , OH
We saw Charlie Wilson's War with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. It was FABULOUS! Rated R, though, so not for children.
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