NEW YEARS! Go out or stay in???

Nancy W
on 12/29/07 12:44 pm
My husband avoids crowds and New Years like the plague, so I suppose we'll stay in. We will probably cook a nice dinner, open an expensive bottle of wine, and rent a movie. We've been wanting to watch the latest Bourne movie. At the Country Club they shoot off fireworks that night, so we'll probably go out on our deck and watch that. What are your plans?
Chelle B.
on 12/29/07 12:51 pm
Your hubby must be related to mine - we will have a very similar evening.
Nancy W
on 12/29/07 12:54 pm
I have to admit, I don't like being out "among 'em". We generally deal with heavy fog around New Years, and I get nervous driving in it. I do get to stay awake though and worry about my 21 year old who will surely be out somewhere.
on 12/29/07 12:54 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Same here. We never go out for New Year's. Too many drunks and we're not cool enough to have any cool party invites. Oh yeah...and we have a toddler. Our celebrating is minimal. LOL
on 12/29/07 1:04 pm - Sayville, NY
We have tickets for a local theater tomorrow at 7pm. They are having a Cirque du Solier type show. After that we have been invited to my newly married daughter and son-in-law. They live quite close to the theater. It will be just the 4 of us and Cosmo, my furry Grandson the Cat. We'll watch the ball drop and crack open a bottle of champagne together. Our first New Years Eve was 1967. That makes a lot of balls dropping! Marcia
Nancy W
on 12/29/07 1:08 pm
Oh that sounds like fun Marcia. Please tell your daughter that we all enjoyed her pictures. I loved her dress, and she looked absolutely lovely. I don't know how you could pick from all those pictures. So many good ones!
on 12/29/07 1:08 pm - Australia
We are thinking of going out in order to ward off the question of which grandchildren to look after so their parents can go out!
Phyllis C.
on 12/29/07 8:34 pm
I always stay in and cook a nice dinner of all of the things people are supposed to eat on NY's. Don't want to take any chances. I never enjoyed NY's celebrations. After Christmas, I just want to settle in for lots of quite time and reflection.
on 12/29/07 10:35 pm - DFW, TX
I haven't gone out in years but I am going to a party at a co-workers house this year. It should be fun and it will be a nice break from the usual in bed before the ball drops. Tonya
(deactivated member)
on 12/30/07 4:53 am - back in jeans, CT
I never celebrate New Year's either.. Too many people drinking and driving! Too scared.. And the weather is supposed to be YUCKY! So, we're in lloks like! Maybe go to sleep early like always! Can't get enough zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's anyway! HUGS n Happy New Year! CN
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