Memorial page...sad.
I don't know why I went there.... I haven't for a long time... but I did. There is one story of a lady who gassed herself and her grown up 'special needs' daughter in the family car. From reading her last entry on her page... l imagine insurance denied her surgery. She couldn't stand the thought of her daughter being placed in a facility.
I think what it brought home to me was that many people are on the edge when waiting for insurance approval or just jumping through their hoops trying to get approval.
So, one of my New Years Resolutions...... is try to be kinder and more tolerant and remember that people's words on a screen have someone behind them.
I do apologise if this brings anyone down but I do think its a good reminder when all the crap hits the boards to remember there are more important things in this world.
This was written on the day she committed suicide.
So.... back to being positive.............
This lady was in the news here in Tennessee she was really worried about her and her daughter's future but I beleive what pushed her over the edge was the fact that she and her live in boyfreind had a falling out and he left...she felt totally abandoned and defeated .... he was the one who came back and found them... the car was still running so I do not know how long he had been gone before he returned and found them all dead ...This is so tragic ...she had private BC/BS and they refused to pay for her surgery , this is truly a tragedy ....she deserved so much better .....