Are you veterans happy with your bodies?
Nancy W
on 12/27/07 12:44 pm
on 12/27/07 12:44 pm
I mean, we could always look better, but are you pretty okay with how you look?
My pants are fitting a bit tighter this winter, but I'm *okay* with how I look. I hate surgery so badly, that I don't think I'll be doing plastics, although if I could wave a magic wand, there are a few things I would do. I just don't think I want the financial, physical and emotional drain of going through it.
How about you guys? I would love to be down another size or two, but I'm not miserable about it.
I'm happy with me but self esteem has never been my problem. Having said that, I am not happy with my body because I'm 40 plus pounds short of my goal. And for a person that is 4 feet, 11 inches, those forty plus pounds will make a difference.
My relatives and friends comment on the fact that I have a waist line and all I see is the stomach and the droopy boobs that I keep in place with 'good' support bras.
Do I stress out about it? No, cause I have more important things to stress out about it but in the back of my head, I feel like I should be stressing out about it.
I don't think I'll ever be thrilled....cause I abused it so much before my band - but I'm going to really work on exercising next year (my only NY commitment). I'm not a big fan of surgery either, and I always said I would never put myself in for 'elective' surgery (not sure the plastics that are done for weight loss are considered elective or not) but I wouldn't mind losing some of this extra bulk around the belly removed. I wouldn't do it until I was maintaining for a solid year or more, though.
But like yourself, I'm not stressing over it. I'm so much happier and healthier than I was two years ago!
- Ann
Well, losing 135 lbs, at 58 yrs old, and with all of my health problems, and no heavy exercise, I could sure lose the saggy, thighs, my knees, are weird from my replacements, anyway, my boobs, are in the next southern county, and my arms, are unbeleiveable! My stomach, has a flabby spare tire,but a size 10 jeans, still fit! BUT, when I'm dressed, I look pretty good, asccording to everybody, my arms are the worst! No plastics for me, though, even if I could afford it, at 62, I don't need all that pain, and I'm just not that vain! ha I feel SO much better, and look so much better, I'm satisfied, as long as I don't look at me in the nude! ha
I'm not happy. Yet. I still have 100 pounds to go. I'm two years out from surgery and I'm only 1/3 of the way there.
I also know that thrilled with surgery or not here is at least one plastic surgery in my future - panniculectomy. I don't care about the tummy tuck so much but the hanging skin is going to have to go. It is partly appearance but mostly functional as it interferes with exercise (it hurts when it bounce), how my clothes fit and I get a horrible rash there in the summer.
I'm not miserable about how I look. Though I know I'll be happier when I'm not in size 20-something any more.