on 12/21/07 10:31 pm - South Jersey, NJ
Is this the right forum? For senior members. What do I click on under message board, or is it just a chat room? Thanks bridge
Chelle B.
on 12/21/07 11:42 pm
This old chick is here!
on 12/23/07 2:29 am - South Jersey, NJ
Yea, chelle I see ya.............. This is cool if we can all keep it going over here. Did you read below about my new addition? Best wishes to you and yours. Bridge
on 12/22/07 5:49 am - TN
What's that you say Dearie???? Ay ?? Ay??? Did you say something about your right foot?????.. Well now,this old lady is here !!
on 12/23/07 1:46 am - South Jersey, NJ
All right arianna, you got me laughing. Well it is christmas before eve. I have no tree up, and no presents wrapped. Now I will tellyou all why!!!! Well this old lady, got a dog for the first time in her life. I never wanted any animals when I had small kids. I don't have any grandchildren, and I only had a grand dog, and when she was not here I missed her. So I had been thinking about it since oct. And last Monday I walked into a shelter near by after work, just to see what it was like. I had never been in one of those either. But when I walked in "cage's" down both sides of a walk way. A lot of "pit bulls" in there barking and wanting atten: at first I thought they wanted to eat me. But, all of sudden I looked down to my right, and there was a "small black lab" just sitting, looking at me, and asking me, can you take me away from all this racket". I was so impressed with her. I walked her and filled out the paper work, than came home and told my family. Well two days later we were at the pet smart spending 200 dollars, and since than $200.00 more. But you gotta know, I had nothing, and now that I have seen all their is for dogs, I will check the wal mart first before going there. Well, my best wishes for the best christmas. I will put up pictures of her, just as soon as I can find someone that knows how to do it. Love all you old timers................. Bridget k. Ps. She is 3 1/2 yr. She was in shelter 3 weeks, and no one claimed her, she was found in a near by town. So now her name is "jewel" because I found a "jewel"..............
on 12/23/07 7:02 pm - TN
Good morning Bridgette !! LOL Hey there I got your attention!!!!!! such a wonderful Chrismas gift ...to have a lab puppy Labs are my favorite knid of dog I have had 3 wonderful labs all 3 were in desperate need of a good home you have a truly loving faithful and loads of fun companion I am so glad you opened your home and your heart to an animal that needs you desperately I always wish i could win the big lottery so I could help and save some of these"throw away" animals . Jewel is a great nameI really like it!! I read just recently that "Until one has loved an animal , their soul remanis unawakened " So hard to describe the special love and bond between a human and their dogs .. Wishing you ,your family and little Jewel a happy & very Merry Christmas and many more wonderful Christmases and memories to come!!! PS there should be a strong enforced laws where is is against the law to breed pit bulls ..they suffer more than any other breed because of their fighting abilities and yet it is still continuing here today in great numbers ... No more pit bulls let the numbers just die out!! All pit bulls adopted out have to be spayed or neutered and carefully monitered to ensure they are not made to fight and not abused ..!
on 12/23/07 9:50 pm - South Jersey, NJ
Well, thank you for your well wishes. Jewel is 3 1/2 yr. She already sits and lays down which is great for me, because I'm over 50, I could not keep up with a pup. But you are right about the pitt bulls. They get a bad rap due to what people did to them. But they should be hard to find like "irish setters" . You'll never see one of them in a shelter. I'm shocked I found "jewel' there. Also dec or nov. Was national adopt a adult dog mouth. The best to you and your family this season!!!! Bridge
on 12/23/07 9:52 pm - South Jersey, NJ
Also one more thing that I forgot. Jewel's pictures are now on my profile if you would like to see her. You have had alot of labs in your life. What you say about them, we are finding true with her. Best wishes again, bridge
on 12/24/07 7:10 pm - TN
It is early Christmas morning !!! it is just wonderful adoptng a fulll grown dog they are hardly ever adopted becuase everyone wants a puppy then after they get out of the puppyphase nobody wants them anymore!! I am going to go check out Jewel's pics right now !! Merry Christmas ...my little Beau is snoring away in his little bed here on my desk and my old dog Shorty is lying at my feet ... soon the dogs I feed that live outside ( someone dumped them off) will be sitting on my porch, waiting for their breakfast I have some extra special treats for them today too!!... Over 50 huh?? you are in the prime of your life~~~
on 12/24/07 9:02 pm - TN
Bridget!! She is truly ..a Jewel .. she is so beautiful and those eyes .. The eyes are the window to the soul!! When I looked into her big warm eyes I saw my Buddy and it brought tears to my eyes !! She is a gorgeous Lab!! You have a true gift this Christmas I am happy for you and for Jewel!!! Thank you for sharing Jewel with me ... (((HUG))))
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