Friday - Finally. . . hopefully not Frantic. . .

Laureen S.
on 1/10/13 10:25 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Good Morning PA!!!

TGIF, TGIF, TGIF!!!  I so love Friday's and am looking forward to not getting out of bed tomorrow before 7. . .  since going back to gym has been reintroduced to my life these last few weeks, I am often up at 4:30-4:45 and out the door by 5:15, so bedtime is early and I find myself feeling cheated, but I also am finding that my stamina is increasing and so while I still am not loving going to the gym, I am accepting that it helps in many other ways, such as food choices, while hungrier, I find myself really making the choices that work best for this journey and so it is having a two, possibly three-fold benefit, mind, body, spirit. . .

I am looking forward to this evening, Friday night's I go to a Women's AA meeting and afterwards, usually a group of us goes to the diner for social time, always a good time and there is another gal in the group who has had WLS, so if I can wait until then to eat dinner, we usually share something and there is still leftovers (lol). . .anyway that's my plan.

Meeting with a friend from the over fifty forum tomorrow a.m. at the Red Lion Diner and then working with AA friends in the afternoon. . . so it will be busy, Sunday is a Tony day and that will be relaxing. . .

Have a great day and an even better weekend!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 1/11/13 12:43 am

Hey Laureen and PA folks!

Just a quick check in to say hello!!

Laureen, I LOVE Fridays too!! Sounds like you are in a good place right now with exercise and eating! Good for you!!!

This weekend is BUSY! Waiting for the insurance check so I can get a car is PAINFULLLY long. I am hoping it comes in the mail today. I only have the rental until Monday!

Hope everyone is doing well!!


Lisa H.
on 1/11/13 2:03 am - Whitehall, PA

Hello all.. posters and lurkers.. 

busy working as usual.. I THINK Neil is coming in tonight, if not tonight then tomorrow.  

I went to zumba and aqua fit last night again.. love that combination.   I had a bit of difficulty keeping up in zumba (my body is reminding me that I need to stick with it), but by the time I got in the pool, I made up for my slowness by kicking butt in that class!

Tonight there is yoga and zumba.. going to try to get to both, but definitely one of them.  

After that my plan is to just keep on working today until I can't stand to do anymore.  Unlimited OT is a good thing and right now I am working on a simple project so I am not using much brain power.  

Tomorrow, there's a 9:00 aqua fit..  I'll see if I get up on time for that.  I really don't want to set my clock when I don't HAVE to be up and even though I SHOULD make that an appointment/requirement, I just can't do it..  There's a 9:45 Cardio Jam and an 11:00 yoga class.  I will make it to one of the three classes..or if I do Cardio Jam, I may stay for Yoga to stretch that out.  We'll see.  Other than that, I am going to work a few hours for Aetna and spend time with Neil and Siehara... hoping to do something family oriented, like bowling in the evening/night. 

Sunday is the last Sunday that my Dress Barn will be open to customers.  I am working open to close 10:30-6:30.  I am bummed about the store closing, but have talked to the manager at the store at the Sands casino in Bethlehem and she is going to give me some hours.  I told her I don't need a lot right now, since I have the OT.  But I want to hold onto the position just in case.  She is ok with that and from what my current manager told me, she only took me AND the other girl in because I DON'T need a lot of hours.  I appreciate that she is willing to work with me.  

Anyway, nothing much else going on.. oh wait, yes.. Siehara is now a member of a Jewish youth organization that I was HEAVILY involved in when I was in high school!! I am hoping she enjoys at least 1/2 as much as I did, and makes new friends that will last a lifetime.  


My tracker


IdaMae D.
on 1/11/13 6:59 am - Philadelphia, PA

Good Evening PA folks!

Today was a nice day.  Although I'm still tired, still recuperating, it was a good busy productive day.  Had some aggravation at work from a co-worker who wants me to fix a query but is unwilling to give me the information I need for them in order for me to have it looked into so told them I can't do anything until you are willing to give me one example.  I mean one example is that really asking too much????

I did have a very nice meeting today with the management team I will be joining.  I already know the one supervisor pretty well, we've had a very good working relationship since she's joined the organization, the other supervisor/manager, this is the first sit down conversation we've actually had and I really get a good vib from her as well.  I'm really looking forward to this new position and the challenges that will come with it.  Without the stimulation of school, I need more to keep me going, my current position is pretty static and although I have the freedom to develop my position to completely fit me, it's time to pass on the knowledge and move on.

Hider seems to be doing better.  Although she is still not happy with Ez, she is becoming more willing to come downstairs by herself without me carrying her.  Maybe this new food is helping her, I hope.

Not sure what this weekend is going to bring.  I had planned to go grocery shopping with Gene when I got home tonight - he has a few hours of clients tonight so we'll go tomorrow morning.  Grocery shopping is good relaxing time for us to hang out, talk, and have a good time being together.  Not sure if any work is going to get done on the house tomorrow. 

Hope you all had a wonderful day.



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