Intussusception? Anyone?

on 12/23/12 1:52 am - Philadelphia, PA

Amazing to imagine that I could have a complication of my surgery six years later, but the suggestion is that, technically, this may be the case.  Of course, my body since Lyme has become almost this unknown other to me.  And pain has become just a matter of relativity...what hurts more today?  Can I manage it enough to do something worthwhile?  Is this one I shouldn't ignore or will the e.r. doc just treat me like a hypochondriac and send me home feeling foolish, so that next time I just stay home, while the problem gets worse...


I've had pain on the left side front for some time, traveling up and down a bit, side to front, but the e.r. doc was so condescending when he told me I was fine.  Of course, I was somewhat vindicated when my Primary Doc felt the area and identified a hernia just like that.  But the pain has increased - it's more intense, more focused.  A CT Scan last week of the abdomen and pelvis resulted in "Questionable intussusception and questionable structure in the region of anastomoses in th e lower to mid abdomen.  Questionable nonopacified small bowel coursing superoinferiorly."


I mean...superoinferiorly?!?!  What a word - it seems to contradict itself...and thus mean Nothing. To me, at least.  Anyhow, from what I gather from my primary, the bowel at one point is acting like those little folding cups we had for camping in the Girl Scouts, just sort of folding into itself. 


I have to pick up the disc with the ct scan pics on it tomorrow morning and take it to my surgeon's office and he will read it this week, when he gets back to town.  If the pain is acute, I'm told to go to PA Hospital's ER.  I may have been masking the extent of the pain with meds, ignoring the possibility of it being I believe chronic pain sufferers end up doing more often than I would ever have imagined.

I have been trying to find info on this result (or, I guess, "radiologist's impression," to be precise), but it's all quite scary.  Treatments sound quite scary.  Waiting too long to address sounds Very Scary. 


Well...I needed to put it out here...that I'm really scared. 


To top it off, our car is in the shop after it gave my husband trouble yesterday and it won't be seen till tomorrow.  Getting to the ER wouldn't be as easy, though I know there are friends I can call on if I must.  It's so tiring...this fighting to beat illness and to stay alive.  I just Really Really Want to Stay Alive.  Really.  And to be well again.  And not in pain 24/7. 


Ok, before this deteriorates into a total ramble, I'll quit.  But if anyone has dealt with this issue and/or can give me some info or direct me to info that doesn't require medical training to understand, I would be grateful.


All the best,


"The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become."
on 12/23/12 5:13 am - PA


     I do not have any medical information for you.  Just wanted you to know that I will keep you in my prayers.  Hope that you get the relief and answers that you need.  I can't imagine what it is like to live in chronic pain - must be very debilitating.  Hang in there.  I hope that 2013 brings you some relief.  Take care.


on 12/23/12 7:53 am - Philadelphia, PA

Thanks, Donna.  Much appreciated.



"The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become."
IdaMae D.
on 12/24/12 5:15 am - Philadelphia, PA

Hi Lisa;

Same as Donna said I have no medical information, wanted to drop in to let you know Gene and I will keep you in our prayers.  Keep us updated on your medical progress.



on 12/24/12 6:36 am - Philadelphia, PA

Thanks much, Ida.



"The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become."
Laureen S.
on 12/25/12 9:45 pm - Maple Shade, NJ


Glad you did not let the condescending ER doc make you give up on finding what the cause of the pain is and I'm sorry that your health continues to be a challenge and like the others before me, I have no info to share. . .  maybe the main forum would be a place to go, though you might get more than you bargained for ;). . .

I pray you get a resolution that works towards your return to health and hope that your pain can be managed in such a way as to not be a constant source of annoyance and more. . .  I suffer from lots of aches and pains these days, so I get it to a lesser degree, because I do have an occasional day without the kind that makes me feel worn down, which is what pain does.

So sending prayers your way and when you find out what is going on, please return and let us know, so that if anyone else has this down the line, one of us can pass along what you experienced.

Hope 2013 is a better year!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/26/12 11:19 am - Philadelphia, PA

Thanks, Laureen.

I'm sorry to hear that you are dealing with a lot of pain too.  It does wear a body out!  And we worked so hard so that we could deliver ourselves from it...I know we aren't promised fairness, but this seems so wrong sometimes!

I was told my surgeon would be back on Friday, but to the ER for a variety of symptoms.  It's hard to know when to go sometimes.  But, ever since I had the blood clot in my lung that I very nearly didn't go to the ER for, I am alert.  That doc did put me off some, but not enough to risk my life if I really feel I'd be doing so.

Thanks again...


"The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become."
on 12/30/12 11:21 pm - Croydon, PA

Hey, Lisa, I think I know someone who dealt with this.  I have reached out to her and will let you know if I get any helpful information.  hang in there!!!



Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 12/31/12 10:15 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Thanks, Jill, much appreciated!

"The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become."
on 1/3/13 5:08 am

I tried to look up some information for you!  I found one website that mentioned "nonopacified small bowl" and the doctor respondent stated that it was a "non specific finding" that probably wasn't causing the person pain.  ( Also, superioinferiorly is a term describing movement, from the upper (superior) to the lower (inferior).   The anastomoses involves a connection of two parts...perhaps connection of intestinal areas.  Sounds like you have intussusception figured out.  This site provides a good image of what it looks like: . 

Overall, I'm imagining his concern is basically if any of these things become severe enough to cut off blood flow to the part of the intestine that is being affected.  I'd go to the hospital if it feels highly painful.  It sounds like sometimes you're okay until it can be evaluated more carefully--all depends on how the blood is flowing.

I'm not a doctor!  I'm a librarian, actually. :)  However, I completely relate to your chronic pain issues and how we avoid addressing serious pain.  I do that as well.

Did you get your situation resolved already?  I see this thread has been around a short while...


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