It takes a lot of time for our brains to adjust to a smaller body. I had my surgery in June. I knew that my clothes were smaller and the scale was going down. Finally in December I went and bought jeans - looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that my rear end was a lot smaller. At that point in time I took out an old pair of pants and saw how huge they were. I never realized how fat I was. Plateaus occur in our weight loss. Sometimes you need to change up your food - eat breakfast at supper time etc. and look at your activity level. Body distortion is very common in WLS patients. I don't know if you take measurements but sometimes they are a better indication of what is going on than the actual pounds lost. Just something to think about. TAke care.
I have a preggie belly. other words, I always look like I'm about to pop out a baby. I can see in my butt that I am smaller, but when I do my side views, I still look like I'm a size 24.
I went out to the yearly dinner with my dad to Applebee's for out Veteran's Day Dinner. (NOT much on the menu at all for Bariatric Patients). They pick 6 or 7 meals. I chose the lesser of 2 evils. That was Panko breaded shrimp and fries. I had 4 shrimps and 3 small fries. The rest went home and my 9 yr old granddaughter is eating the rest. I got home 1 1/2 hr ago and I am NOT having any problems with it at all. Well, my dad told me how NICE I looked and stuff. Also told me that he can see why my sister is jealous and giving me a hard time. I chuckled on that one a bit.
I see my surgeon tomorrow morning... Can't wait to see what she says...
Congratulations on your weight loss, and all your successing. Hit frustration points is totally normal, and happens in the first few years, at least it did for me. Trust your body, not your brain. It took me trying on a pair of size 18 jeans and having them fit to believe the surgery worked. Anytime I wear something that says XL on it is a good day. I also used to be a size 28.
I am stuck with some regain, and must confess I have been off the beam with the food since the first of the month, because that was my birthday and I went crazy and need to get things under control.
You keep following your plan, and things will fall into place mentally as well as physically.
Albert Schweitzer

Totally normal. I love what Trish said, "Trust your body, not your brain." It takes a LONG while for our brains to catch up. your clothing size is telling the true story of what is going on. 37 pounds in just over a month! That's fantastic!
Blessings, Jill
WLS 5/31/07. Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!
No, it was 37 lbs from new years until Oct 10... day of my surgery.
FROM Oct 10th to now, 23 lbs. 5 wks out...
I am eating tuna fish with LITE mayo... ONLY mayo I use... a little finger bowl with some in. tonight is going to be a big test. Granddaughter wants chinese. I think I'll have hubby just get it and bring it home, but knowing her, she will want to go there to eat. Oh boy... lol...
Going to be tough one, but I DO love seafood. and I know some of what is on the buffet is bad cause of what all they put in it and others is good. have to check it out.