Checking In! Thursday Roll Call

on 11/1/12 12:00 am
Good Morning PA!

Just checking in to say we are ok! No damage to our house or cars, thank goodness!! We just got power back yesterday afternoon! After two days without power, we had to throw out all of our food, over $300 worth! But I got to severely clean out both my freezers which really needed it!! When I get home today I will clean out the fridge... We emptied all the food, just need to clean the shelves. Then will do food shopping tomorrow.

I hope that everyone out there is doing well! I pray for those who did not fair as well as we did!!

Check in and let me know how all of you are doing!!!


on 11/1/12 2:06 am - PA

Good morning Beth!

     Glad to hear that you got power restored at your house.  Luckily we did not lose power at all.  Believe me, my family is very grateful.  Will you be at support group on Saturday?  You have been on my mind a lot recently and I hope that you are doing okay,  How is your dad doing these days?  Anyhow just wanted to check in.  Hoping that all the other PA peeps are faring okay post Sandy.  Take care.




on 11/1/12 5:01 am



I am going to try my best to get there on Saturday! This past month has really sucked and I am glad that it is over. My eating has been horrible, I am not gonna lie. My Dad is doing ok....Thanks for asking!!


Love, Beth">">>

Laureen S.
on 11/1/12 4:02 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Hi Beth, Donna. . .

Glad to read you got your power restored. . . I remember years back, when I lived in NYC, we had a power outage and I had about $300 worth of food that I had to throw out, it was not fun, but the good part is you were inconvenienced and suffered no damage.  Many of my friends, including my boyfriend, are still without power and may be that way for a week or longer.  In some places, the surrounding areas have no power as well, so getting food and the simple things in life, they have to travel distances for.  We did not return to wor****il yesterday and there is nothing we can do the way it needs doing, as first our offices were closed due to flood and power loss in the main office up in Hackensack, they had those of us who worked in outlying offices report to work so that when the systems finally got restored, we could help get the work done.  This morning we were online and then the power went off again and we can't access any of our documents.  We work with the Courts and there are deadlines, so when things get up and running, we are going to be deluged and since many of the people in NJ don't have power it is going to be tough going for a little while.  Amazing that a little over 100 years ago these were not concerns of anyone, and a little over 20 years ago, computer systems going down would not have caused such chaos. 

Tony's office was swept away by the storm, along with shipping containers that were on the docks, the fury and power of this storm is simply amazing. . .  these are the docks in Newark, NJ, where many cars and other items come in and go out and they have been closed since Saturday and as of today are still unsure of when and where they will open. 

I was reading online this morning or last night about all the people who died in Rockaway Beach, New York, a place I used to live 20 minutes from and where I used to go to the beach when I lived in NYC, the fires in Breezy Point that destroyed 80 homes, an area that has suffered much loss, as it is a community of firefighters and police officers, where many lives were lost in 9/11. . .  it is endless the things I hear of that make me feel blessed.  If that storm had hit just a little further south, the damages in our areas would have been much worse.

Anyway, life is full of challenges and Mother Nature will win most any battle she puts forth. 

I look forward to seeing both Donna and hopefully you on Saturday!

Best wishes, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 11/1/12 5:03 am



I also consider myself  very lucky!! With all the devastation out there, we were truly blessed!! The positive side of throwing out all of the food is that I got to clean out the freezers!!! Now, to start replacing the food...


I am going to try my best to get to the meeting!!

Love, Beth">">>

Patricia R.
on 11/1/12 7:54 am - Perry, MI

Hi Beth and PA,

I am grateful that I suffered little loss when it comes to food, and no loss of any property at all.  A neighbor let me connect my fridge and deep freeze to their generator for a few hours on Tuesday, so I think I saved a lot.  I did pitch my milk, yogurt and anything made with mayonnaise, plus the leftovers of a tuna casserole.  My meats in the deep freeze were still frozen.  I had read somewhere to fill ziploc bags with water, and freeze them before the blackout, and then put them in the refrigerator next to the food.  That helped saved some stuff.  I did go grocery shopping this afternoon, and was only able to get non-perishables, as the Giant I went to was operating on two generators and all of their cooler cases were empty.

Today is my birthday.  My sisters and nephew are taking me out for dinner.  I had a serious hot flash earlier, so I need to wash my hair.  I felt like I had run a marathon.

I'm not sure what my plans for Saturday are, because Villanova is supposed to host the Special Olympics Fall Festival for Pennsylvania.  We're just not sure if it is still on after the hurricane.

During the hurricane, my daughter texted me that my five month old grandson, Franklin, cut two teeth.  We knew they were on their way when we were out in Michigan, because he was chewing on anything and everything.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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