Beginning stages (VSG)

on 10/22/12 12:07 pm
 I am on this computer reading and reading about VSG and lap band every night. I took the next step and scheduled a consult for Nov 3. Leaning more towards VSGnbc of maintenance up keep. I have the support of my husband, Mother & one friend. I felt great including my mom and friend in my decision but them I told my one girlfriend I talk to everyday and got a reaction I didn't expect. why Why Why is what she kept saying. You don't eat right, you never put yourself first, you only eat once a day...blah blah blah. I took a step back.... Got angry and said well VSG is simply a tool to help me get to my goal. My goal is not to look like a model but simply be lighter, healthier and most importantly happier. Is having a VSG a garantee i will accomplish  my goals? NO, but I simply have to do the work to get my results. 
With that said she must of planted a seed bc all I keep doing in thinking about long term complications. What could they be??
For instance, my family blood line has a ton of cancers. Breast, cervical, colon, throat, pancreatic, and prostate which that can't effect me. I do not have issues like sleep apnea, diabeties, heart disease, COPD, or high BP, but I do have snoring issues, Colitis, back/hip/feet issues, depression, anxiety, and heart palpitations. Long term having a sleeve will that complicate my body in ANY kind of way? Could I lose to much weight? Could I have ulcers bc of reflux after surgery? Could I have issues when I 
on 10/22/12 12:14 pm
 Not sure what happen but my screen went blank and could not type anymore.  I guess long term effects is my concern. It isn't isn't friends or lack there is long term concerns and how will my body react 2 months from now to15 yeas down road. I am 35. 
I have had one natural birth and one c-section and both I have had long term problems. 15 yrs later problems....but I knew the complication I could have and we'll worth results.  That's kind of what I am talking about. 
on 10/22/12 9:43 pm
 I'm an RNY post op but some of your concerns are common to all types of weight los surgery so let me jump in...hopefully others will share opinions too.

It is very common to have friends and acquaintances tell us we are "not that heavy" or don't need to go the surgical route. You cannot base your decision on the opinion of others - it is strictly between you and your primary care doc and your surgeon. Some will agree, some will disagree, and you may hear all kinds of crazy (false!) information trying to persuade you to change your mind. 

You say you have not taken care of yoursel fover the years by eating regularly, etc. Your surgeon and insurance company will want a diet history of your attempts to lose weight, as well as verification from your primary care doctor that obesity is a long term problem for you. Many insurance companies require documentation of a 6 month doctor supervised weight loss program as part of the approval process. So if there is any doubt that you could do it anohter way but just haven't tried yet, that pretty much takes care of it. 

As for which surgery to consider, it looks as if you are doing your research. Your surgeon will also play a key role as he/she may have a strong recommendation one way or the other. THe doctor I worked with did not recommend lap band for me and in fact had stopped doing that procedure. You are right, it seems to be pretty high maintenance, but you will find some who have had good success with it. 

Part of your research needs to be on long term effects. VSG is (I believe) a relatively new procedure, but there are many longer term post ops out there who have had other types of weight loss surgery. Common concerns in the long run are (1) being sure you keep up with post op labs and blood work, and taking any recommended vitamins, (2) transfer addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling), and (3) making the necessary permanent changes in eating and lifestyle to avoid regain. 

There is much to consider as you head down this road! Best of luck!
on 10/22/12 11:23 pm
Lynnc99, thank you for taking time out to help me in this journey. I know I will have to make a forever life changing decision. I can not continue this way. My father is 400+ lbs and I am second largest in my family. I am active with my boys however I know I can more but my body stops me. I dont just eat comfort foods or junk foods, I eat fairly well except I eat way to much. One meal will last me all day! If I eat 3 meals a day I get sick. Headache, nausea, or I start craving bad foods. I tend to run my body down until it is on fumes and then I refill until I am stuffed to capacity.
I am ready to hear what the Doctor has to say.
Laureen S.
on 10/23/12 10:14 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

I did exactly what you are doing now, for many of the same reasons. . .  investigated what would work best for me, considered my options and ultimately choose to have RNY (I don't believe VSG was an option back at that time).  There are a few people in my support group who've had it and are doing amazing.  Ultimately, it is all about doing what we need to long-term.  The tool of WLS helps us achieve a certain result, but then it is up to us to maintain and continue on and let's be honest, most of us failed miserably when it came to the maintenance phase of whatever "new diet" we utilized to lose weight.  As for friends who give us input, very simply listen to your inner voice and you will know what you are doing is right for you.  Oftentimes, well meaning as they are, friends/family/acquaintances think they know what is best for us, then there will be the naysayers who will tell you that I know so and so who had WLS and gained all their weight back. . . well that does happen, but as I stated earlier, if you are committed to changing, you will be living life in a healthier, richer and more engaged fashion.

I wish you well as you progress on this journey towards healthy and richer living!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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