Tom Tyler
Sincerely, Beth
Tom Tyler had RNY back on 1/26/05 at Barix Clinics. He came just before me and I will always remember his enthusiasm, dedication, inspiration and leadership. He was very active on this board and for a time had "daily words" to help Everyone here. He also served as a post-op support group leader at Barix for a time. Tom worked very hard at this "life". So much so that, perhaps, it began to consume him so he needed to step away for a while. Tom was getting to a burnout point and needed to step back in a major way. When he did there were others who stepped up and continued to carry that torch. Shauna Dhoble and Dave Allen were post-op support group co-leaders for a time. I followed them and there have been many leaders since the creation of 1st Saturdays at Barix. Laureen Scimeca, our current leader, follows a long line of patient/leaders that began with Audrey Solomon who led Tom and I during our infancy. Those early years were like no other. They seemed so new and so lifting. So inspiring and special. I can only hope that all of you have that experience of specialness. That is how I will remember Tom Tyler. He had many special words but my favorite quote from Tom was this, "We may not be perfect everday but we can be good. Be good today."
Rest in peace buddy.
Gene and I both send out our prayers and condolences to Tom and his family. Back in Jan 2006 when Gene first had his surgery and started to have complications - Tom was the first person to reach out to me here on OH. If not for Tom, Shauna, and Dennis I'd have gone crazy trying to figure out how to help my husband and take care of him, when to call the doctor and when to load him into the car and head to the ER.
RIP in peace Tom....
Ida & Gene.....
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
God bless,
Albert Schweitzer