What's happening this fine Thursday?

on 9/20/12 5:44 am
 Hi everyone!

Haven't posted in a while but do cruise through...here's what's happening in my neck of the woods...

I've headed back to jazzercise classes pretty faithfully the last few weeks. I love the class once I get there but man oh man...getting myself out the door is like pushing a rock uphill. What's up with that?

Food wise I find myself doing well unless I get bored or tired.  So I am trying to pay good attention to how I feel. I am making a bean/cilantro dish today that should do the trick and let me have some dinners in the freezer. I also find that I fall into mindless eating in the evening, after work. So...recognizing that vulnerable point in the day, I should be keeping my hands busy with something else instead!

I am headed up to PA in a week or so and will be there for about 10 days. Plans have been crazy and have changed many times but now it looks like I may be able to get a little bit of plastics work done. I want to have my face and eyelids worked on. Yes, the TT would be nice but (1) I don't want to go through a major recovery period and (2) given the cost, I'd rather work on the neck and eyelids!  I have to go for an updated consult at the doc's although I have seen him once before. I'll let you know what I find out!

The trip to PA is really all about getting our dog to FL. Mike and I will drive back with her and I will have my dog once again. She is getting old and I think she'll enjoy walks in the nice weather. 

Lisa, I read your post about feeling disconnected at synagogue. I'm sorry you have felt that - especially during times when you have been going through a lot. It's a natural instinct to pull back...and yet that keeps us at an even further distance. I hope you are able to draw support from friends there. 

OK everyone - what's going on with all of you?
Laureen S.
on 9/20/12 6:01 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Lynn, PA Folks. . .

So nice of you to pop in here and let everyone know what's going on with you.  Yay for your ability to get some of the work that will make you feel more at ease within the journey you've taken.   I keep hoping that one day I can do some myself, but for now it's a distant dream and life's responsibilities are where it's at for me.

Any chance you can make one of the October Barix meetings?  It would be great to see you, heck, even outside of the meeting. . .  you can PM me on that. . .

Last night's Barix meeting was really good, JoAnne celebrated her 1 year surgiversary and she has lost a whopping 155 lbs (or thereabouts) and she looks amazing, actually she is pretty amazing. . . then there were the handful of "oldtimers" there and a smattering of the newer folks, we had a very engaging discussion on topics such as recommitment and staying track, as well as various WOW moments, self realizations and such.  I was recently considering the idea of stepping away from the support group leadership role because of the inner turmoil I have about my "successing" but when I shared openly my thoughts and reasons, I got such wonderful feedback that it caused me to take a step back and realize how much the people that come each month give to me and mostly what I get is the knowledge that I am never alone with the thoughts that run through my mind and that their journey's inspire me in ways that keep me from ever becoming what I once was and so while others will be taking a more active approach in the coming year (at least I hope so ;)), I will continue to be an active participant so long as either I can or they let me. . .anyway. . .

This is my busy time of year, youngest daughter's birthday, son's wedding anniversary, nephew's birthday, son's birthday, grandson # 2's birthday, then grandson #1's birthday, followed with my DIL's birthday, sprinkle in there the fact that my oldest and dearest friend is having a farewell party on Friday night, as she has moved to Florida and is back to close her house in readiness for sale. . .  it's just a whirlwind and I am saddened as yet another old friend moves away, but I now have more places to visit in Florida than I have time to visit and more and more I feel drawn there, but for the immediate future I am tied here, maybe in 5 or so years things will be different.  I need more vacation time (lol).

Ok, long enough, got to work and earn my paycheck. . .  Lynn, have a wonderful day, hoping to see you when you're in PA, everyone else, please have a wonderful day and for any facing serious life challenges, I send my best thoughts and wishes for you!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 9/20/12 6:15 am
 Laureen, coming over to Barix support (and any other social life!) depends on the surgery. Doc says the type of work he would do for me is a quick recovery but I'm not sure I would be able to drive just a couple of days afterward. Second consideration is Mike's work schedule (which is awful as always) - if he can grab some time to be together, that's the #1. 

Anyway, I will be in touch with you folks to let you know if I can show my face! LITERALLY!!!

And as for support...the decision is yours for sure, but I want you to know that you have a wonderful ability to keep it "real." Your own successing shows us all that it's not a straight line progression all the time. Your life experience offers great insight for many of us. 

And I have to ask - are any of these FL bound folks headed to SW FL? Let me know the geography of where you will be visiting down here!
Laureen S.
on 9/20/12 6:28 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Oh, I understand fully about your priorities Lynn and you do what you need to, because you want the best possible results, as well as time spent with your now "commuter" husband, but remember I'd be willing to meet you (as my schedule permits) outside of the support arena, so let me know. . .

As for the geographics of where people are going, that is the fun part, my daughters live in the "Orlando" area, my latest friend has a place in Hallendale, Florida, which is near to Miami. . .  others in various places along the gulf coast, Ft. Meyers area, St. Pete, Clearwater, Naples. . .  all over the darn place. . .  heck the way I see it, I don't have to buy a place there, just an overnight or week at time at each person's and I could live rent free (lol). . .  the hard part is that when I go to Florida, I am usually there for 3 or 4 day visits and so I see my daughters and grandchildren, leaving little time for other people, especially since the closest anyone lives to my daughter's is like an hour and a half to 3.5 hours away, my vacation time is limited, as well as ability to take time off, small offices require coordination and that can be difficult, but I see myself visiting Florida more often and when I do, I will definitely let you know!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 9/19/12 11:57 pm, edited 9/19/12 11:57 pm - phila., PA
good luck to you with your surgery, there is not much pain involved with this type of surgery, you just look like you went a couple rounds with a boxer, get some Arnica tabs it helps with bruising, they r not RX you can get them at the pharmacy sometimes they have to order them and they really do work,you start them like 2 days before and take them till like 3 or 4 days post-op. i have taken them several times LOL
hope to see u at BArix
Harvey S.
on 9/20/12 1:26 am, edited 9/20/12 1:33 am - PA
Good morning everyone, it's nice to see I'm not the ONLY one up before dawn. It may be past 11:30am right now, but I'm usually up at 4, even on my days off. Today is one of my days off, but I had to make a trip to Newark, DE for some additional training (work).

Have you ever had a feeling something's not right, or plans may not work out the way they were supposed to? That's exactly what happened to me.

Yesterday I asked my supe if it (training) was still on for tomorrow and I was assured that everything was a go, and to be there at 8am. I was gonna leave at 6:30 for the 51 mile drive (according to Google Maps), but then I thought, "traffic on 95 will be murder if I leave at 6:30", so I left my usual 5:30am, thinking I'd stop for breakfast once I got down there.

Flash-forward to 7:45am. I walk into the building, sign-in at the security desk, and the guy asks me where I'm going. "I'm here for training," I reply and he tells me to follow him. There was a training class alright, but not the one I was looking for. A call to my supe cleared the whole thing up. Training was cancelled LAST WEEK, but no one told us. See...I told you I had a funny feeling.

By now, you must be asking yourself, "What in the world is he yacking about in a weight-loss forum?" Think of it as lesson in successing (there's a word we all know and love):
Success isn't always a smooth ride.

Live, love, laugh and be happy.
Keep your eye on the prize...as long as it's NOT MacDonald's            
Patricia R.
on 9/20/12 2:16 pm - Perry, MI
 Hi Lynn,
I am late checking in, as usual.  I was out the door fast this morning, getting an epidural cortisone shot in my cervical spine.  This was due to an injury that occurred when I fell and really hurt my leg and broke my nose.  Then, I had to scoot to my volunteer work at the agency.  

I have been making a lot of AA meetings lately, and met a woman who asked me to be her sponsor.  I am honored.  

I have to go back out to pick up some prescriptions at Rite Aid.

Lynn, I am so glad you are getting your dog.  Mine would be heartbroken if I were gone long.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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