Monday Roll Call
I am up bright and early to take Dee to camp, she is SO excited!! It is a gymnastics camp right up the street from where we live. Close by and not expensive! While she is in camp I have an appointment to get my yearly mammogram(oh joy) then I go to see my hemotologist. I have other errands to run and hoping to get a pedicure while I am out! AHHH, ME TIME!! Haven't had that in several weeks!?!?!
When I get home I will deal with laundry and hopefully get some relaxation in before I need to go pick her up! Tomorrow I start orientation for my summer job....
What are you up to today??
Thinking about Lauren E today as she has her surgery today!! Cheers to her new life!

Glad to hear you are having some ME time, even if some of it involves things you'd rather not have to do (lol)! Hope Dee enjoys her camp experience.
Well today is a work day and this week promises to be a bear, we have a first day hearing for a case filed on last week and then lots of other things going on, so the week should go by in a blur and then Thursday night I leave for Florida where I will spend my birthday with my daughters and my oldest two grandchildren! Cannot believe we are in the last week of June, time is moving way too swiftly, but all is well at the moment and I will rejoice in that fact.
Anyway, hoping each and everyone of you has a wonderful day and for anyone having serious life challenges, I wish you peace and strength and good friends/family to help you through it!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Took my Reiki 2 class yesterday I enjoyed it because we were given two more Reiki symbols that are for emotional healing and for sending Reiki over distance to others. It was nice to be with healthy , positive like minded people. I will probably go on and get my Reiki 3 but I need to practice alot first. Nice day came home pretty tired though it is a quite exhausting process.
Today I am working and trying to do some cooking for the week as well. Jason and I are trying to work a nutritional program that includes more High Nutrient dense foods. We both have libbys we want to lose. Other than that and signing some paperwork for a refinance not a whole lot is going on, but that is fine with me. Enjoy your me time Beth and Laureen hang in there.
The rest of you wishes for peace, and manifistation of your desires
I haven't been on much. screen broke to my laptop and I have a monitor for viewing and it takes up 1/3 of the kitchen table. Sitting on the kitchen chairs is a killer on my back and my knee.
Babysitting 5 yr old grandson. Him and the 8 yr old granddaughter are fighting already...
My 5 yr old granddaughter is in visiting from Ohio till the end of July. The time is going way too fast. I have to take her home and I am not looking forward to the trip to do so.
I stepped on the scales, been losing weight again. My knee is still giving me problems...
Hello Beth;
I suppose it is good evening right about now. I worked today till 4, then home. Tomorrow I'm working from home have a 10am teeth cleaning. No sense in driving to work that late. Dee's camp sounds like lots of fun, my co-workers daughter loves her gymnastic camp.
Dealing with wedding stuff, lots of drama, I don't feel safe going into it here, I'll PM you when I get my thoughts together about it.
Hope you all had a great day...
I am slowly reconnecting to the world. I had my sinus surgery and nose straightened this morning.. Everything went well, but I am in a bit of pain, but I'll get better soon.
I was thinking about Beth while I was waiting to go in the O.R. One of my pre-op nurses worked at Barix from the time it opened till 2010. She said she worked up on the floor, so she probably took care of a lot of us.
Will check in tomorrow.
Albert Schweitzer