Surgery Monday - Barix Folk - Help Please

on 6/22/12 3:30 am
Hello, Pennsylvania!

Got my call from one of the friendly nurses and arrival time on Monday is 6:45... Surgery is scheduled for 8 or 8:30.  Thirteen pounds down on liquids only this week - I don't think I've ever NOT "cheated" on a diet until now!  I feel great, and nervous, and totally excited at the same time.

Purged the closet of 6 bags of clothing that I will never wear again this morning.  I guess part of my process with this is saying goodbye to the old me and clothing in sizes I care not to see in the closet from now on.  

So, looking forward to Monday, I have a question for anyone who might have recent experience at Barix.

***My husband is in the middle of a CRAZY work deadline and REALLY, REALLY needs to be on his laptop during the time that he is there with me.

Have you, your family, or visitors been able to use laptops in the waiting area? Or any other part of the hospital???

Any information is much appreciated!

Have an excellent day!
on 6/22/12 4:23 am
Lauren, be prepared for some post op swelling that may keep you using some of those old,clothes for the first week or so. I was prepared for thenwt gain from fluids in the hospital, but the lingering swelling surprised me....made all the sense in the world, but I wasn't expecting it.

And yes, I think laptops are ok at Barix. Call to be 110% sure this weekend.
on 6/22/12 5:35 am
Hi Lynne,

Thanks, so much for your reply!  I'm a teacher, and cleaning out my closet is a beginning of summer ritual that I look forward to yearly.  This time, however, I had the added bonus of pulling out clothes that are WAY past their prime and that I hope not to need in the future.  I primarily purged fall and winter items - and items that I haven't worn in a very, very long time.

I've been doing a ton or reading - like many people do, I would guess - and I hope I have realistic expectations of what's to come. I've kept everything that fits now for summer and plenty of clothing for fall and winter...  and I'm trying to focus on the positive outcome and I'm ready to go with the flow.

Thanks for the feedback about laptops... I called last week.  My husband called today and got as far as a facilities guy.  No one seemed to know if there is access to wifi in the building.  But they seemed to be able to tell him that people seem to be able to use their laptops.  I know it will work out.  It's not the priority of the day, but it would certainly make things easier.

Thanks, again, for the good information.  I am grateful to have found this forum and the knowledgeable folks who have walked this path before me.

Have an excellent day!

on 6/22/12 12:42 pm - phila., PA
 Good Luck on your surgery,
They don't have  wi FI in the building at least they 
Didnt have it 2 weeks ago, some people have cards for their
Laptops that u can purchase data minutes on
on 6/23/12 7:53 am
Thanks, Susan! 

IdaMae D.
on 6/23/12 4:17 am - Philadelphia, PA
Good Luck Monday, I will keep you in my prayers.



on 6/23/12 7:54 am
 Thanks, Ida! I will post as soon as I can :-)
Patricia R.
on 6/23/12 9:04 pm - Perry, MI
Patricia R.
on 6/23/12 9:09 pm - Perry, MI
 Hi Lauren,
I just want to add a quick note to encourage you about your surgery.  I'll keep you in prayer.  You are in good hands at Barix.  Remember that while getting out of bed to walk is not fun, it's the best thing for you.  Also, do not be discouraged by the weight gain you see on the scale while there.  That is from all the fluids you get pumped into you.  You will lose it soon after your return home.  

I'll be praying for you tomorrow.  I am also having surgery tomorrow.  It's sinus surgery, and straightening out my crooked nose, which I broke in December.

You'll do great.  Look forward to seeing you on the Losers Bench.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 6/23/12 9:13 pm

Good luck tomorrow! You are going to be fine!! The nurses at Barix are top notch and they will take great care of you. Just do what they tell you to do, even if you don't feel up to it!

I totally understand wanting to get rid of the old clothes, but I agree with Lynn. Keep some things because you will have swelling and don't be surprised if you gain some weight post surgery. It is mostly fluid that they pump into you afterwards. Moving as soon as possible will help with your recovery and get rid of the gas that you will experience.

I will say a prayer for you!
We will make room for you on the loser's bench!


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