Thursday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 5/30/12 9:07 pm - Philadelphia, PA


Quick type by today.  Most mornings I waking up so late I can't get online, this morning of course is not exception, I figure I'm late so be it. 

Since school has ended I've been so darn tired, then the back hurting is not helping, not sleeping very well.  It feels a bit better today, still not as bad as it was over the weekend. 

One more day and the weekend is here Yeah!

Should be a very quiet weekend depending on the noise at the house and who shows up to work on it.  Gene has to prepare for church so I think I'm just going to be lazy again this weekend, I deserve some down time....

Trish hope your shingles begin to heal.
Beth hope the little one is starting to feel better

Wishing you all a wonderful day...



on 5/30/12 9:24 pm
GM Ida and PA!!

If anyone deserves down time it is you, Ida!!

Unfortunately, Dee's cough seems to be getting worse. I am taking another day off to take her back to the dr. I was going to try and send her in, but my mom instincts are saying NO! Work will have to understand...

Such is life as a mommy...I shouldn't complain, she is generally a healthy kid except for recurrent ear infections that she has had since she was an infant.

Trish, I hope you recover quickly!
Ida, take care of your back!
Everyone else have a great day!

Love, Beth">">>

Laureen S.
on 5/30/12 11:36 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Ida, Beth, those yet to arrive. . .

Ida, I sure hope your back feels better soon, I have my own back issues and, of course, sitting all day only makes it worse, I've been doing squats with 10 lbs. weights, as my issue is mostly lower back and when I had a personal trainer, I remember him telling me that helps strengthen the lower back muscles, now I do the squats over a chair or bench and it is more like going to sit down and only going as far as I can comfortably, but it is helping me some, that and getting up and walking around every hour or so. . .  the joys of aging and old injuries come to haunt (lol). . .  again, hope you feel better!

Trish, I do hope your shingle flare up is not too bad, I know some outbreaks are worse then others.  Hope you feel better. . .

Beth, hope Deanna has a better day ahead.

So I woke up at 4:50, petted the Roxie girl, then decided that instead of going to the gym for my cardio workout, it was a nice enough morning to incorporate a good dog walk with my cardio and so I put Roxie's harness on her and off we went, we walked the perimeter of my town, which is close to 3 miles, then I had my cup of coffee, showered, dressed and headed here to work.  At noon I will attend an AA meeting, after work, my intention is to get a manicure/pedicure, though I might have to put off the manicure, as I need the pedicure more so I can wear open toe shoes :)  A little vanity never hurt anyone ;)  Got a good deal on a package of steaks Monday and so I am sharing with the roomies tonight, we will have nice grilled steaks, corn on the cob and salad and then watermelon for dessert.  So there is my day planned out, let's see what life brings in between the plans. . .

Have a great day!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Patricia R.
on 5/31/12 1:43 am - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Ida and PA,

Ida, I hope you feel better soon with your back.  I have had back issues for years, and have gotten relief from a pain specialist's office, where I get occassional cortisone shots and rhizotomies, and that helps a great deal.  It might be worth looking into.  In my case, I have herniated discs with nerves being pinched.  

Beth, I hope the doctor can help your daughter.  You are doing the right thing with going by your Mom instinct.  When my kids were younger, my husband's job had more flexibility with his hours, so he did the doctor stuff.  

I had a rough day yesterday, with a killer headache.  I think it was from the anti-viral medication.  Today things seem better.  

I had to have the cable guy come and switch out my DVR/cable box, because some of my channels were messed up.  

The rest of my day I'll try to get some laundry put away, and sweep my floors.  It's so nice, I'll also take a walk with Utley.  He's been a little needy lately, always wanting to sit on my lap.  A walk will be good for both of us.

I hope everyone has a blessed day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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