Wows at First Sat. Barix meeting
Ditto to all that Arlene said!!!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Ditto to u all , n yes it was a wonderful meeting as usual
You girls r doing a great job. The newbies are so important
Cause they keep me/us focused. It is sad to see that so
Many old heads don't come back anymore. Because some
of them really need the support, some don't
Come back because of the regain n they may
Feel funny,none of us r here to judge you, but just maybe
We can help u.
You girls r doing a great job. The newbies are so important
Cause they keep me/us focused. It is sad to see that so
Many old heads don't come back anymore. Because some
of them really need the support, some don't
Come back because of the regain n they may
Feel funny,none of us r here to judge you, but just maybe
We can help u.
I must agree with Susan. Barix is a non-judgment zone. God knows we have all made our share of mistakes along the way but successing is picking yourself up from the mistakes, wiping yourself off and jumping back into the game. We are all here for each other and welcome everyone with open arms. I still learn something new at almost every meeting. It is a gift to have these support group meetings as many programs do not. I am now taking advantage of them and doing my best to stay the course and continue successing one day at a time.
Proud of both of you ladies for keeping your eye on the goal. For staying positive and for helping people navigate this scary but amazing journey. I feel like I have lost my way by becoming negative, trying to be someone I am not and following a crowd that was no good for me. In the future I will be looking to you both as an example of how to be an " old head" and still success and keep it real and not to fall for the HYPE. Hats off to you. I appreciate you. I look forward to spending more time with you both.
Speaking as a "newbie," I hope that all of you truly understand how much the knowledge and the support that all of you continue to give week after week and month after month means to us. Speaking for myself, I am honored to have met all of you through this journey and I can only hope that I can keep successing the way that you all do. I also hope that as I begin to transition into a leadership role that I do half as good a job as you ladies do!!
So very grateful

So very grateful
