Topic of the day - Never Forget..

Jackie Fisher
on 3/26/12 10:16 pm - PA
   Sometimes it is so easy to get wrapped up in our successing. Not that this is a bad thing what so ever, but it is always good to remember where we came from and the struggles that we had before WLS. This will keep us thankful for all of the little things and will make every WOW moment that much sweeter. Today I would like to share our reasons for having surgery. Why did you decide to change your life and make this drastic step towards eternal successing?
   For me, I decided (like I had many times), that I was tired of being fat. I talked to my PCP about it and he gave me 2 options; I could either go on pills that would cost me $80 a month or I could go for nutrition counseling. I opted for the latter. The 1st appt is a day I will never forget. Stepping on the scale and seeing it read 460 lbs was such a blow to the chest. I knew at that moment if I was going to live my life the way I wanted to, I needed to do something and quickly. I was lucky enough to have avoided the comorbidities that come with morbid obesity, but I wanted to start a family and I wanted to live an active adventurous life with my husband. He deserved more than a wife who could barely climb the stairs, who was too tired to go out, and who was too embarrased to go to new places..

   NOT ANYMORE!! After just 4.5 short months, I am a completely different person! I am full of confidence and energy! Each day I am ready to face the world and am so excited to do new things and visit new places. I already know that I made the right choice, and I am going to keep on successing.. because I DESERVE to live my life! I DESERVE to be happy! And dammit, I DESERVE to be the person I always dreamed I could be!!!

"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."


on 3/26/12 10:41 pm - phila., PA

I had WLS  because I had uncontrollable type ll diabetes and my Dr wanted to put me oninsulin my A1C was 10.9 and I refused to go on insulin. my BS on a good day fasting was 250 & I was on metformin 1000md 2x a day & Januvia. I still am diabetic as we all r that had diabetes, still on oral meds but now my BS is 110 fasting & my A1c is usuallaround 7 so that is much better.
Diabetics that have WLS & then come off insulin & oral meds think they r cured from diabetes, no U R NOT it is just under very good control, if u gain ur wait back and eat sugar again those high Bs will return, I am diabetic for 25 years and & have a large family history thats why my diabetes didint go into remission so they tell me.

either way I am thrilled to day with my health, my physical & emotional look on life . I like that I can go into any store & buy clothes. one size all now fits & sometimes to big.

JACKIE: you have come a long way in these last 4.5 months, u look amazing and I love your new Hairdo, keep it up and try not to test the pouch
Laureen S.
on 3/26/12 10:45 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Once again Jackie your words and your enthusiasm are a great source of encouragement for this old lady (lol). . . 

But on a more serious note . . .  it was March 2007, my granddaughter's birthday was coming and she wanted me, her grandma, to go with her to Disney, now mind you she lives near enough that she has gone plenty of times, but she wanted ME to go with HER. . .  I could not, I weighed 254 lbs. and walking for an hour in a mall was something that caused my back and legs and feet severe pain.  About 15 months prior I was considering WLS, because my cousin and best friend had had it and done well, then tradegy struck and she was gone and I became severely depressed and gained even more weight in that period of time, so when March 2007 came, reality struck and I decided to get back to what I was considering 15 months prior. . .  so began my investigative journey, first stop back on the OH forum, but my state forum was not busy and then someone recommended I try the PA forum since I lived so close to PA.  It was there I discovered information on Barix Clinics and where I eventually found my surgeon, who, whether by providence or by the angel that my cousin was, turned out to be the very same surgeon she had told me about, that I might like, if I didn't choose her surgeon, mind you my surgeon had been associated with a place up near Morristown, NJ and had just began working at Barix.  I made an appointment for a consult for May 25th, 2007 and in the interim, through the PA Forum, I made lots of associations with people who gave me information and support, some had home support groups, because at that time, there was only 2 groups that met at Barix monthly and I, like you, got involved before surgery, because I believed that it could only aid in my longterm "successing" story. 

On October 16, 2007 my WLS journey began in earnest and while I share some of the struggles I've faced, I continue to know and believe that this was the right decision for me and the life I live today is limited only by what I limit it to, well I am a bit older and have a bit more aches and pains, so maybe some of my limitations are physical, but not because I am morbidly obese.  As I share all the time, my younger grandchildren have gotten the grandmother that can get down on the floor and play, heck I was able to hide in my granddaughter's little tykes playhouse (lol).  I still have not gone to Disney with Sami, but that's because she and I do other things when I visit and this summer, she is now 14, she is coming up and I am going to be her NYC tour guide.

I thoroughly agree with your last paragraph!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 3/27/12 12:06 am - Croydon, PA
Honestly?  I did it because I wanted to be free from food addiction.  I really did not understand that I would not be "cured" from that affliction.  I knew it was just a tool, but it is still the most powerful tool I have against my addiction.  I had the added benefits of getting rid of my diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, GERD, high cholesterol and heel spurs.    I get the miracle of being to walk up flights of stairs, or take long walks on the beach, or ride my bicycle without getting short of breath. 

It wasn't about weight for me when I made the decision to have the surgery.  I really didn't understand what losing so much weight would look like or mean.  I didn't really believe it would even happen for me. 

I still try to make this journey about so much more than numbers on a scale or on my clothing.  I still work on addiction issues daily.  I have a new appreciation and gratitude for every day. 

And, you, my dear Jackie, are a pleasant and exciting flower that I enjoy watching bloom!

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 3/27/12 12:44 am

At almost three years out I find it hard to remember those early days when the weight was just falling off! I am excited for you and all that you have accomplished!!

For me it took FIVE years for me to finally make the decision to have WLS. I have struggled with my weight my WHOLE life and still do. I went to Barix in April of 2008 to have a consult with Dr. Pupkova who was one of the surgeons there at the time. I remember when I got on the scale and saw the number I did! My heart sunk that I was the weight that I was. How did it get so out of control?? I spoke to the dr about my options, I was thinking that lap band would be for me. After speaking to the dr, she suggested RNY. Boy, am I glad for listening to her!!

It took over a year for me to be approved for surgery. I had to go through many clearances and tests. Finally in June of 2009 I had my surgery and I am so glad that I did.  I have had many ups and downs but I am so glad that I had this surgery. It saved my life!!


on 3/27/12 9:01 am - PA
     My journey to WLS definitly had God's hand in it.  In the summer of 2008 I went to Washington DC for vacation and found out that I could not keep up with my friend as we were walking around.  I then went down to Cape May NJ to volunteer at a retreat house.  While I was there I met Sr. Jan.  I didn't recall meeting here before but she knew me.  One night at dinner I noticed that she wasn't eating the pasta and I asked her if she has celiac disease.  She informed me that she was 18 months out from WLS.  Something clicked in my mind and I asked her if she would talk to me about it.  I didn't think that I was heavy enough for the surgery (wrong); she told me about Barix and about OH.  She had the same medical insurance (personal choice) and said that they covered it. 

     I took my info back to my therapist and we started discussing the pros and cons of what I was considering.  I decided that I would take the year to research and make my decision.  Since I am a teacher I would have the summer off to recover from surgery.  I made initial contact with Barix but put everything on hold until January 2009.  Went for a consult with Dr. Boe on the day that Obama was inaugurated, went to my first support group in March, got lots of tests done and was approved for surgery without any problem. 

     My comorbidites were sleep apnea, high blood pressure and being pre-diabetic.  My life is so much better today.  I have spent many years working on my spiritual, emotional and psychological selves.  I could not come to grips with the hatred that I had for my body and knew that I could move no further in my mental health until I addressed that problem.  Part of me thought that it would be a quick fix.  Almost 3 years later I see that I am in this for the long haul and appreciate all the support I have and continue to receive from OH and Barix.  I was never a believer in support groups for myself.  Now I don't know how I would have come this far without them.  

     I am a much healthier woman at 55 than I was at 50.  My energy level is 100% better and I really do think about the food I put in my mouth and take the time to educate myself.  You all know that I have had some setbacks this past year but I can't imagine how obese I would be now if I didn't have this great tool.  

     Thanx Jackie for these topics.  It has been really helpful for me to put my thoughts out there and share them with others.
Arlene E.
on 3/31/12 2:02 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Just catching up and need to tell you what an inspiration you are to newbies and us oldies.

After dieting my whole life and gaining back more weight than I had to lose, I ended up weighing 254 pounds in my late 50s.  I spent my life watching my mother struggle with her weight, with yo yo dieting and then ending up with diabetes and terrible knee problems that greatly restrict her ability to get around.  When I realized I had become fatter than her I knew that my biggest fear was then reality.  And when my dad looked at me as he was pretty near death and said I never thought you would end up like that, I felt crushed.  He said it with such concern, knowing all the pain (mental and physical) that my mother had been through.   I knew I had to do something and knew I could not try one more diet.  A friend of mine mentioned that she was thinking of surgery and it suddenly clicked that it was something I needed to do for myself so that I did not have to face the rest of my life with the same struggles my mother was going through.

I too feel like a different person - healthier, happier and more "normal".  When I look at my photos from my highest weight I truly cannot grasp that I was that person.  

I will always remember what it was like to have to buy such large sizes and feel so squished at the movies, theater and on airplanes.  Never Again! 


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