Topic of Maintenance and Suggestions to Stay the Course

Laureen S.
on 3/21/12 10:48 pm, edited 3/21/12 11:15 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Last night's meeting at Barix (Support Group) rocked, there were 3 folks who were celebrating their "Successing" since having this life changing surgery, Arlene with 5 years, the Steffi and Mike Mohollend, each with 3 years, all are doing well, and facing their challenges daily.

We also had the privilege of having one of the surgeons from Barix, Dr. Medvetz, at the meeting for a question and answer session and she really gave us a lot of good information about different things and what I took away is that big topic known as maintenance, where most of us have failed miserably in the past.

With that in mind, I think it really important for us to realize that OH is a place where we've come to learn about WLS, share our WOW moments and get support as we progress on this journey of ours and one of the women (almost 5 years out) made a good point, it used to be we came here and talked about what we are eating, exercising and the like and while people come regularly to share their life events, which is great because sometimes we need to share our challenges and get feedback on how to get through them, we are losing sight of the fact that our struggles begin in earnest after the weight comes off and we become more "normal" and that is where some of us slip into our old food habits and therein begins the issue of regain.

With that said, I think it is important for us to be accountable and so I am asking each of you to please participate and if I don't show up by a certain time of the morning, please feel free to start it, "What Are you Eating Today". I think it is important that we plan our day, best as possible, if there is going to be a big change in what we are doing, as a way to stay on track, we need to come back and change our plan to reflect that, because in some ways, it can help us take stock of what we are doing and whether what we are doing truly reflects our lifestyle as it should be today. I used to log my food daily, it kept me on top of things and half of the time I still do, but with this idea I will do it ,along with you and by doing it in a public arena, it can help me stay on track. I, personally, need the accountability factor.

Others have tried, but it seems more people post to the Roll Call then the What You're Eating or How Are you Moving threads, we came to OH, ultimately had WLS because what we did before did not work, so I ask you, with an open mind and heart, that you join in and participate in your own "Successing" story and practice what is known to keep us on track, for those of you newer, it is a practice in helping you go the distance.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, full of living and for any out there facing life challenges, I, as always, wish you peace and strength to get through it!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 3/21/12 11:52 pm
There was a shift on another WLS board I used to visit - from being focussed on the aspects of life after WLS to 100% socially based.

So over time, I knew that a certain person was doing a craft show or giving a yard sale. But I didn't know she regained 40 lbs. It just never came up, believe it or not.

I do appreciate the aspects of accountability (important at every stage) and support offered on the board, for many reasons.

First - when I was new in my journey, this place was a great source of REALLY VALUABLE information.

Second - when I had an issue (my first and only episode of dumping), I came here and had a response within, literally, 3 minutes. It was amazing. Maybe an accident of timing? Perhaps, but it helped none the less.

Third - over my 2 1/2 years since surgery, I have learned a lot from those a bit ahead of me in the journey. Recipes, eating plans, exercise tips, frustrations, pitfalls, all of it.

It's interesting that traffic here from newbies has been light. (I do read every day.) Is that because there has been a shift away from WLS based conversation to the everyday life type of conversation? Just wondering.
Laureen S.
on 3/22/12 12:02 am, edited 3/22/12 12:03 am - Maple Shade, NJ

I wonder the same thing, I think some of it is, some people just lurk, afraid to participate, there is also the social media of Facebook, which many people use today, but the reality here is that this is about Weightloss and you are absolutely right in that it has become more like Facebook then a support board for those seeking knowledge, which is what it was when I joined OH. We form some relationships on these boards and so it easily stands to reason why things go down that path, but as was pointed out last night, we really need to address the issues related to what brought us here to begin with. I think it is somewhat up to us "seasoned" oldtimers (lol) to move it in that direction some and as I said, hey, share whatever, but remember this environment is needed for those seeking info, as well as those of us who have a few years and might have taken a detour in the wrong direction.

Maybe someone can come up with a recipe post and people can share WLS friendly ones to help people make friendly food choices that are palatable to all and no one need be the wiser that it is wls friendly, I make all my meals wls friendly and share them with my roommates and they absolutely love them and tell me they can't tell the difference. Though the other day I made a banana cream pie for my boss and that I did not adapt because it was not for me or my household, I also did not indulge, but I will try making it again wls. . .

Glad to see you and also glad you seem to think this valid. . . I also posted this on another board I frequent, which has gotten away from the purpose. . . I can only suggest, people will do what they do, but based on last night's support group, it seems many see what I spoke up about here. . .

Have a great day!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 3/22/12 12:20 am - Croydon, PA
I'm all in.  I, too, need the accountability and a place to discuss successing as well as struggling.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

Jackie Fisher
on 3/22/12 1:28 am - PA
I have to agree Laureen, last night was GREAT! Also, I am very excited about the new direction in which we are going to take OH!! That makes me even more excited to be apart of the PA forum. I have posted in the past, but sometimes on the roll call I just felt like I don't know many of you well enough to understand your personal stories or struggles. This helps me to feel more comfortable and to feel like a part of the group so much more!!

"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."


on 3/22/12 4:39 am - Philadelphia, PA
I have not been on the boards for a very long time because it has changed to almost nothing weight loss related.  I know that when I was a newbie, I depended on these boards for all kinds of answers.  It gave me the strength to stay the course.  Well now that I will be 4 years out next month, I will try my best to be more active on the boards and pay it forward.  I thank everyone who was there for me and I will be here for anyone who may need me. 

Last nights meeting was awesome.  Many questions were answered and we all realize that we need each other for support as well as friendship.  Thank you to Laureen, Arlene and Mike who have never given up on this community.  I am sorry if I was not as helpful and will try more in the future. 

Newbies and old timers are all needed to support each other, share wow moments and help each other through the struggles as well as the successes.  We learn from each other.  Thanks for the brought me back.

Look forward to talking with everyone.

Laureen S.
on 3/22/12 4:53 am - Maple Shade, NJ

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 3/22/12 11:45 am - phila., PA
 Was a great meeting last night, was great of Dr.Medvetz
To be there an answer our ?, she is so nice

I have also been gone from the PA board for a while
Cause it started to be about people's  personal
Lives, that is what Facebook is for, this is for weight
Loss support and questions lets see if we can get this
Back to the way it was before.

Before when someone posted something personal
The put OT( off topic) n there was only a few of them
Weekly now mostly the whole PA Board is OT
so let's get hack on topic WLS

on 3/22/12 9:58 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Excellent post Laureen - and I will admit I am one of those who has been on here daily but mostly in a social aspect - and I've wondered from time to time where all of our wonderful friends have ventured off to, but after reading posts from some of the 'oldsters' to your post I realize they haven't been finding what we all came out here for - support, understanding, information, and a swift kick in the pants if we need it.

I'm over 4 years out and you know I've shared that I've had some regain - which of course I'm NOT happy about, but honestly just felt it was a fact of life, and it's really not. I loved the support I got on here pre and post op - it was my 'comfort zone' to be able to communicate with people who are dealing the same issues I am.

Not that I mind people sharing other aspects of their lives - because I certainly do as well - but I'm glad you're making the effort to get us 'back to basics' in what we're eating daily,  how we're moving, what challenges we're facing on our journeys.

I just saw Carney Wilson had lapband surgery after regaining from her WLS and I certainly never want to go there, so thank you for getting things moving in the right direction again out here. Even though I'll be a 'Floridian' soon I will always be a PA girl at heart, and hope I can stay connected to you guys via the web.

Thanks again Laureen!!

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Laureen S.
on 3/22/12 10:54 pm, edited 3/22/12 10:55 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Happy to see that people are responding positively to this. I realized that the reason I backed away and only posted intermittenly is that I felt I had no real connections to the board as it had become. That in fact when I was researching to have surgery, I went to my local state board and found very few posts, with very little information and someone suggested I hop on to the PA Forum and I found a treasure trove of people who fed me information that helped me prepare for the road ahead. The reality is, this surgery is a life giver to so many and once we get to a certain place, we no longer need to be tethered to OH, however, I feel strongly about support and because I do, I think people need to have it and get it and so when it was brought up that the forum was no longer a support tool, I realized that was what I had seen too and that there were times I posted things and saw them go mostly unread or unresponded to because they were subjects people did not want to embrace, I get it, especially for those in early post-WLS, who wants to think in terms of regain? I, too, thought, that won't be me, but alas, it has been.

So do I beat myself up, no, I come here, I try hard to work the tool, but I need the aid of accountability and our support groups meet only 2 or 3 times monthly and I can't always be there, so here I can pop in, even for a few minutes and get my daily dose of what I need to get me through the rough spots. The newer folks need us and we need them, because through them, we remember what it is like and for me, it renews my commitment.

I have no problem with the comaraderie of the board, that is the natural process of things, however, support should be the mainstay of this place and because of people like Susan, Arlene, Linda, Jackie and a host of others, we are going to try to get things to a place where everyone feels comfortable, because one of the things I also realized is, many of us are timid and afraid of jumping in when we first arrive here, so by keeping things about WLS, it helps some to take that first step and ask a question or for a suggestion and so forth. . .

BTW, there are a few folks from this board that I do believe have moved to Florida, so you might be able to meet up or there is always the Over Fifty Forum, there's a couple of women on there that live in Florida, as well as other places and it is another good resource, our Trish posts there and the people are friendly, sometimes the social aspect there has been a bit much too, but I am making the same efforts on that board as I am on here. . .

I still hope to see you before you leave, but if not, heck I'm in Florida often enough, so drop me a line and I'll come visit when I go to New Symrna or Daytona with my kids, grandkids. . .

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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