tired tuesday roll call

IdaMae D.
on 3/5/12 7:50 pm - Philadelphia, PA

Gene is healing nicely from his electocution accident on Saturday.  What a scare that was I have not been sleeping much, keep waking up to make sure he's ok and breathing.  I kinow it's crazy, being that close to widowhood was damn scary.

I'm so tired not only from my lack of sleep but also from stressing over this class.  Last night our instructor had us work on our next problem for our paper that is due this coming monday.  We worked in groups and as a class, I had him put it into plain old math for me.  Everyone in class laughed and said I'm too old school - they said that for me getting him to do that was brilliant.  We worked on two "accounting" problem last night and for the first time I was able to see the problem when we took it out of accounting terms and put it into plain old fashioned ath.  At the end of the problem he said we could take a grade of 93 for the assignment and not write the paper, most of the class is very happy with that.  There are a few that want to write the paper so he left that on the table as well.  I'm hoping he continues to focus the class as he did last evening this is the most I've ever gotten out of an accounting class.

Today I'm working till 4 then more than likely home to fall into bed and crash...

Hope you all have a wonderful day...



Laureen S.
on 3/5/12 9:08 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Ida, PA Friends,

My goodness, I just backtracked to see what happened to Gene, I am truly happy it was nothing more serious than what transpired and I can only imagine how you must have felt once you realized the seriousness of what happened, again, I am very happy for you and Gene!!!  Also good that you were proactive in your class and got the professor to give you a way that made it more understandable to you!!!

Life is good for me today, I'm at work already due to a 2-day hearing that began yesterday, so I'm up since 4:30, my body, I think, is already transisitioning to the new time that it will be hit with come this weekend, longer days means, hopefully, more energy for me, as lately my energy level has not been as great, think the Lipitor might have something to do with it, I've kind of been hoping that the aches and pains I'm experiencing and the tiredness was not related, but as each day goes by I am more convinced of those being side effects, to which I cannot abide, so pending bloodwork that I will do this upcoming week, I will probably be asking to be put on another cholesterol lowering drug that hopefully has less side effects. . .  I have no time for aches and pains (lol). . .  makes me very unmotivated to get my butt in the gym when getting out of bed is painful, it subsides a bit through the day, oh and getting up to go to the bathroom too many times during the night, that is not acceptable either, as it seems going back to sleep is becoming an issue. . . anyway, sorry to go on and on about my aches and pains, truthfully, as I started this paragraph, my life is GOOD today, even with those things I am bellyaching about (lol).

Today has me at work, after work going to celebrate a sponsee's 1st year sober at her halfway house, got her a really nice coin, every day sober is a blessing, but to string them together and make a full year, well that is just awesome!  Afterwards it will be home and to bed, as I woke up so early.

Wishing you all the very best day possible, peace and strength for the life challenges many are facing!!!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Lisa H.
on 3/5/12 9:38 pm - Whitehall, PA
 GM Ida and PA... so glad Gene is healing... such a scary thing to go through.  

I have not been posting as much, but I've been reading.  I've been super busy with work and trying to spend time with Siehara.  She is still having a lot of issues with being sneaky.  I really thought that canceling her Bat Mitzvah party would make a bigger impact.  I know she is trying, but she definitely inherited my addictive personality and she lacks impulse control big time.  

I had my assessment with the personal trainer last night and we did measurements and upper body work.  Then she had me doing cardio work.  I updated my profile with the stats and even though I am not totally pleased with where I am today, I am THRILLED at how far I have come since I started this 3 years ago.  I also got a good report on my labs.  I had asked my dr to take me off the cholesterol meds a few months back and then do blood work to see if I was ok without it.  She called me to let me know that all looked good on my bloodwork and when I asked about the cholesterol, she said I definitely did NOT need to be on the meds!! WOOO HOO! So, the only RX meds I take are the happy pills and my ADHD meds..  Thank goodness for the happy pills.  Without them, I probably would have had a nervous breakdown with everything going on with Siehara.  

Today I am working Aetna.  Siehara has therapy tonight and I WILL be going in with her.  I want to bring up everything that's been going on and then I will probably leave the room so she can talk.  She doesn't really talk in front of me, so if I can just lay the ground work, I'll be ok knowing that she will open up without me in the room.  After therapy, we are going to go over to Joyce Leslie.  They have a TON of neon and 80's inspired clothes.  They are doing decades day at school tomorrow and we have some stuff, but I told her she could look there to see what else she could find.  

Tonight, I will go to the gym for Aqua Fit.  I really enjoyed it on Thursday and definitely felt it on Friday.  From what one of the girls in the class told me, Tuesdays are more stretching and toning and Thursdays are more cardio.  So, it will be a different workout.  I'll also get in the hot tub to decompress! LOVE that they have that there!  I may do some leg work, even though the trainer did not go over anything with me on that.  I do still remember some of what I learned before when I was using the machines.  She wants me to focus on strength training to increase my metabolism for when I am NOT in the gym. 

Food wise, I started off the day great!! Yoplait greek yogurt with granola and a CLICK.  I have one glass of water in and my water bottle is on my desk.  I WILL get back on track.  I HAVE TO!!!! 

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!! I'm sure going to try!

My tracker


on 3/5/12 10:14 pm
GM Ida and PA!!

Happy Tuesday!! I am so glad that Gene is doing well!!

Lisa, hang in there! Know that I am here for you!!

Laureen, even through all the aches and pains it is great that you can say life is good!!

Last night we went to get our taxes done. There was a BIG discrepancy(sp) in my medical contributions between last year and this year. I had my last paystub from last year and the number that was on there did not make sense! I have to call my benefits department to find out what I actually paid in benefits so I can hopefully get a BIGGER refund!! The refund was decent, but we actually had an increase in income(how did that happen??), so it wasn't as good as I had hoped! We are contributing to our benefits now so it should be something significant....

Today is wor****il 3:30, probably hang around and talk to my teacher buddies for a bit. Stopping off for gas and some money in my pocket. Then home to make dinner, hopefully deal with the PILE of laundry waiting to be put away, studying with Dee, then relaxation and bed!

Have a great day!!
Love, Beth

on 3/5/12 10:21 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning everyone. Ida, glad to hear Gene is doing okay, and I surely hope this degree of yours is going to be worth all the stress it seems to be creating for you. I doubt I would have had the patience to continue if it wore me down that much!

I'm at work - PT last night was grueling - they've started the strengthening portion of my shoulder rehab and by the time I got home I was beat. Thankfully I had put chili in the crockpot in the morning and my nephew made cornbread so dinner was ready when we got home. After I cleaned it up I grabbed an ice bag and sat on the sofa with a wine spritzer and iced my arm. And that was all I did last night.

Today I'm trying to organize all of the paperwork coming my way for the sale of our house - it's coming together but  I need to sort it and make sense of everything. Also trying to coordinate my husband's big family party we're having on the 18th, along with cleaning up my desk from being gone for 6 weeks, and organizing things for the new person who will be taking my place. Lots to do.

Hope you all have a great day.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 3/5/12 11:40 pm - Croydon, PA
Good morning all.  I also had to backtrack to see what happened to Gene.  How scary!  I'm glad he's okay.

On top of working really hard yesterday, the night before I was a wreck.  My daughter's emotional/mental issues were taking a toll on the family and we were thinking she might need to go back in the hospital.  She kept waking me up during the night because she "needed me," when I really just needed to sleep.  Then, at 2:30 in the morning, I was going downstairs once again to comfort her when I slipped and fell down a number of steps bruising my butt. 

This too shall pass.

Thanks again to all at Barix support on Saturday morning.  It is awesome to be surround by people who get me.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

Patricia R.
on 3/6/12 11:56 am - Perry, MI
 Hi Ida and PA,
I am terribly late today.  I was out the door at 7:30 to drive to Oxford to give my son support at a hearing.  He is being sued by one of the tech support customers, and he is counter-suing her for the bill she refuses to pay, that she contracted to pay.  Turns out, there is a continuance, and he did not get the message the clerk supposedly left for him.  He drove from Pittsburgh six hours and spent the night in a hotel to be at court at 10:00 this morning.  After I drove home, I had an appointment with the hematologist.  When I got home, I felt, and still feel, like crap from the sinus infection I have.  So, I rented "Tower Heist" from the On Demand menu on Comcast.  It was crazy good.  I was actually rooting for the crooks.  

That's it for today.  See you all on Wednesday.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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